O artigo evidencia o avanço da ciência na interpretação de pandemias, em contraste com o fracasso de governos que politizaram a abordagem da emergência de saúde pública global decorrente da Covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo que apresenta uma reflexão sobre o processo de dissonância cognitiva causada pela infodemia e aborda a necessidade de aplicar a infodemiologia para mitigar os efeitos deletérios de notícias falsas que são fabricadas intencionalmente, com o objetivo de confundir, enganar, manipular e negar a realidade, sem, contudo, perder de vista que as raízes do problema são históricas, conjunturais, profundas e de difícil solução. O trabalho revela os impactos dessa situação para profissionais de saúde e expõe a linha tênue que existe entre a liberdade de expressão e o direito essencial à vida, levando à conclusão de que escolhas erradas, no que tange à saúde pública, podem causar mortes evitáveis.
The article highlights the advance of science in interpreting pandemics, in contrast to the failure of governments that politicized the approach to the global public health emergency arisingCovid-19. This is a study that presents a reflection on the cognitive dissonance process caused by infodemia and addresses the need to apply infodemiology to mitigate the rious effects of false news that are intentionally manufactured, with the objective of confusing, misleading, manipulating and denying reality without, however, losing sight of the fact that the roots of the problem are historical, circumstantial, deep and difficult to solve. The work reveals the impacts of this situation for health professionals and exposes the fine line that exists between freedom of expression and the essential right to life, leading to the conclusion that wrong choices, in terms of public health, can cause preventable deaths.
The article highlights the advance of science in interpreting pandemics, in contrast to the failure of governments that politicized the approach to the global public health emergency arisingCovid-19. This is a study that presents a reflection on the cognitive dissonance process caused by infodemia and addresses the need to apply infodemiology to mitigate the rious effects of false news that are intentionally manufactured, with the objective of confusing, misleading, manipulating and denying reality without, however, losing sight of the fact that the roots of the problem are historical, circumstantial, deep and difficult to solve. The work reveals the impacts of this situation for health professionals and exposes the fine line that exists between freedom of expression and the essential right to life, leading to the conclusion that wrong choices, in terms of public health, can cause preventable deaths.
Freire, N., Cunha, I.C.K.O, Ximenes Neto, F. R. G., Machado, M.H, Minayo, M. C. S.. A infodemia transcende a pandemia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/jul). [Citado em 03/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-infodemia-transcende-a-pandemia/18129?id=18129&id=18129