0055/2024 - A medida protetiva de acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes na perspectiva dos estudos nacionais The protective measure for institutional care of children and adolescentsthe perspective of national studies
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica nacional sobre as medidas protetivas de acolhimento institucional para crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco no Brasil. Através da realização de uma revisão integrativa, se busca refletir sobre as principais tendências, temas, atores institucionais, metodologias e objetivos dos estudos sobre a referida medida e analisar como se apresentam e se articulam as condições e o direito à saúde nessas referências. Seis unidades temáticas foram identificadas no acervo: Percepções e papéis de diferentes atores nos processos de acolhimento institucional; Processos de autonomia, desligamento e causas de acolhimento institucional; Aspectos legislativos, avaliação de serviços e identificação de perfis; Convivência familiar e comunitária; Educação e formação profissional e Saúde física e mental de crianças e adolescentes acolhidos. No Brasil, especificamente, poucos estudos investigam as concepções dos acolhidos sobre os processos da medida protetiva, assim como o acesso à educação. O vínculo entre pobreza e institucionalização aparece com destaque e fica evidenciada a escassez de atividades visando a reintegração familiar prioritariamente. Um número alto de pesquisas aponta para as dificuldades em implementar legislações.
This article aims to analyze the national scientific production on protective measures for institutional care for children and adolescents at risk in Brazil. By carrying out an integrative review, we seek to reflect on the main trends, themes, institutional actors, methodologies and objectives of studies on the aforementioned measure and to analyze how the conditions and the right to health are presented and articulated in these references. Six thematic units were identified in the collection: Perceptions and roles of different actors in institutional reception processes; Processes of autonomy, dismissal and causes of institutional care; Legislative aspects, evaluation of services and identification of profiles; Family and community coexistence; Education and professional training and Physical and mental health of sheltered children and adolescents. In Brazil, specifically, few studies investigate the conceptions of those sheltered about the protective measure processes, as well as access to education. The link between poverty and institutionalization appears prominently and the scarcity of activities aimed primarily at family reintegration is evident. A large number of surveys point to the difficulties in implementing legislation.
The protective measure for institutional care of children and adolescentsthe perspective of national studies
Resumo (abstract):
This article aims to analyze the national scientific production on protective measures for institutional care for children and adolescents at risk in Brazil. By carrying out an integrative review, we seek to reflect on the main trends, themes, institutional actors, methodologies and objectives of studies on the aforementioned measure and to analyze how the conditions and the right to health are presented and articulated in these references. Six thematic units were identified in the collection: Perceptions and roles of different actors in institutional reception processes; Processes of autonomy, dismissal and causes of institutional care; Legislative aspects, evaluation of services and identification of profiles; Family and community coexistence; Education and professional training and Physical and mental health of sheltered children and adolescents. In Brazil, specifically, few studies investigate the conceptions of those sheltered about the protective measure processes, as well as access to education. The link between poverty and institutionalization appears prominently and the scarcity of activities aimed primarily at family reintegration is evident. A large number of surveys point to the difficulties in implementing legislation.
Nogueira, R. B. A., Deslandes, S. F., Constantino, P.. A medida protetiva de acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes na perspectiva dos estudos nacionais. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/fev). [Citado em 11/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-medida-protetiva-de-acolhimento-institucional-de-criancas-e-adolescentes-na-perspectiva-dos-estudos-nacionais/19103?id=19103