0968/2013 - Adaptación transcultural del cuestionario KIDSCREEN para medir calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en población mexicana de 8 a 18 años Cross-cultural adaptation of the KIDSCREEN questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in the 8-18 year-old mexican population
• Carlos Alejandro Hidalgo Rasmussen - Hidalgo-Rasmussen, C. - Cd. Guzmán, Outro País/Another Country - 1.Centro Universitario del Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Cd. Guzmán, Jalisco, México. 2. Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile. - <chidalgor@outlook.com>
• Luis Rajmil - Rajmil, L. - 1.URSS, Municipal Institute of Medical Research, Barcelona, España. 2.Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ), España. 3.CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), España. - <lrajmil@imim.es>
• Rosa Montaño Espinoza - Montaño-Espinoza, R. - 1. Universidad de Chile, Chile. 2. Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile. - <rosa.montano@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente
Con el objeto de adaptar culturalmente el cuestionario KIDSCREEN-52 a adolescentes mexicanos de 8 a 18 años, y analizar su fiabilidad y validez, se realizó la traducción del cuestionario del inglés al español y una retro traducción. Se realizaron entrevistas cognitivas y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) para verificar la validez del contenido del cuestionario. Se compararon las puntuaciones de las dimensiones siguiendo los mismos criterios que en otras versiones (ej. Argentina) para analizar la validez de constructo, y se verificó la fiabilidad. La validez del contenido mantuvo las características del cuestionario original. El AFC confirmó la estructura de las 10 dimensiones originales. Dos escalas (autonomía, 17,2%; y aceptación social (Bullying), 28,5%) mostraron efecto techo. La consistencia interna del instrumento fue aceptable (rango 0,5-0,86) y la reproducibilidad obtuvo coeficientes bajos en 5 dimensiones (0,22-0,78). La versión mexicana del cuestionario KIDSCREEN-52 es equivalente al original en términos de contenido, estructura, y validez de constructo. En conclusión, el instrumento KIDSCREEN-52 es adecuado para aplicarse en población mexicana de estudiantes de 8 a 18 años. Son necesarios nuevos estudios para explorar su aplicación en contextos clínicos.
Calidad de vida
Estudios de validación
The purpose of this study was to develop the culturally adapted version of the KIDSCREEN-52 to Mexican adolescents 8-18 years, and to analyze its reliability and validity. A translation and back translation was carried from English to Spanish. Cognitive interviews were conducted and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to verify the content validity of the questionnaire. Based in previous studies (i.e the Argentinian version) mean scores of dimensions were compared to assess construct validity. Reliability was also analyzed. The results showed that the content validity of the Mexican version retained the original concepts, adapted to the Mexican culture and language. The AFC confirmed the structure of the 10 original dimensions. Two scales (Autonomy, 17.2%, and social acceptance (Bullying), 28.5%) showed ceiling effect. The instrument‘s internal consistency was acceptable (ranged from 0.5 to 0.86), and reproducibility obtained low coefficients in 5 dimensions (0.22 to 0.78). The Mexican version KIDSCREEN-52 seems to be equivalent to the original version in terms of content, structure, and construct validity. The conclusion was that the instrument KIDSCREEN-52 is suitable for application in the Mexican population 8-18 years old. Further studies are needed to explore their applications in clinical settings.
Quality of life
Validation studies
Cross-cultural adaptation of the KIDSCREEN questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in the 8-18 year-old mexican population
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this study was to develop the culturally adapted version of the KIDSCREEN-52 to Mexican adolescents 8-18 years, and to analyze its reliability and validity. A translation and back translation was carried from English to Spanish. Cognitive interviews were conducted and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to verify the content validity of the questionnaire. Based in previous studies (i.e the Argentinian version) mean scores of dimensions were compared to assess construct validity. Reliability was also analyzed. The results showed that the content validity of the Mexican version retained the original concepts, adapted to the Mexican culture and language. The AFC confirmed the structure of the 10 original dimensions. Two scales (Autonomy, 17.2%, and social acceptance (Bullying), 28.5%) showed ceiling effect. The instrument‘s internal consistency was acceptable (ranged from 0.5 to 0.86), and reproducibility obtained low coefficients in 5 dimensions (0.22 to 0.78). The Mexican version KIDSCREEN-52 seems to be equivalent to the original version in terms of content, structure, and construct validity. The conclusion was that the instrument KIDSCREEN-52 is suitable for application in the Mexican population 8-18 years old. Further studies are needed to explore their applications in clinical settings.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Quality of life
Validation studies
Hidalgo-Rasmussen, C., Rajmil, L. , Montaño-Espinoza, R.. Adaptación transcultural del cuestionario KIDSCREEN para medir calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en población mexicana de 8 a 18 años. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/adaptacion-transcultural-del-cuestionario-kidscreen-para-medir-calidad-de-vida-relacionada-con-la-salud-en-poblacion-mexicana-de-8-a-18-anos/14425?id=14425