0503/2018 - Agreement between self-assessment of body image and measured body mass index in the Brazilian adult population. Concordância entre auto-avaliação da imagem corporal e o índice de massa corporal medido na população adulta Brasileira.
Silhuetas são usadas na auto-avaliação (AA) da forma, satisfação e dimensão corporal (DC) em estudos de intervenção ou inquéritos domiciliares nos quais a medição da DC é inviável. Apesar de sua popularidade, poucos estudos validaram a Escala de Avaliação de Figuras de Stunkard (SFRS) para avaliar a imagem corporal (IC) ou o estado nutricional (EN) em adultos. O presente estudo avaliou a concordância entre a AA da IC pela SFRS e o IMC medido em adultos de um inquérito domiciliar nacional brasileiro (n=11 247; 57,2% mulheres de 20 a 99 anos) que foram convidados a escolher uma silhueta da SFRS que mais se assemelhasse ao seu estado atual antes de medidas antropométricas serem obtidas. O EN, baseado no IMC, foi ajustado à SFRS. As prevalências de sobrepeso (S) e obesidade (OB) foram 34,4 e 19,0%, respectivamente. O kappa ponderado entre SFRS e IMC foi 0,45 e 0,43 e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi 0,64 e 0,59 para mulheres e homens, respectivamente. As curvas ROC específicas por gênero indicam que as silhuetas identificam corretamente (área abaixo da curva > 0,80) OB e baixo peso (BP). Em conclusão, o SFRS fornece apenas resultados razoáveis na estimação da distribuição de IMC, mas funciona bem para identificar OB e BP em adultos brasileiros.
Índice de massa corporal; Imagem corporal; Estudos de validação; Avaliação nutricional; Obesidade.
Silhouettes are used in the self-assessment of one\'s body size, shape and satisfaction. This technique can be helpful in intervention studies and in household studies in which body size measurements are not feasible. Despite its popularity, few studies have validated the Stunkard Figure Rating Scale (SFRS) to assess body image (BI) or nutritional status (NS). The present study assessed the agreement between self-assessment of BI by SFRS and measured BMI in adultsa national household survey in Brazil (n=11 247; 57.2% women, aged 20–99y). The subjects were asked to choose a silhouettethe SFRS that most resembled their current status prior to measures of body mass and stature. BMI-derived NS status was then matched to the SFRS. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (OB) was 34.4 and 19.0%, respectively. Weighted kappa between SFRS and BMI was 0.45 and 0.43 and Spearman\'s correlation coefficient was 0.64 and 0.59 for women and men, respectively. Sex-specific receiver operating curves indicated that the silhouettes correctly (area under the curve > 0.80) identified OB and underweight (UW). In conclusion, SFRS provides only reasonable results when estimating the BMI distribution but it works well to identify OB and UW in the Brazilian adult population.
Body mass index; Self-report; Body image; Validation studies; Nutrition assessment; Obesity.
Concordância entre auto-avaliação da imagem corporal e o índice de massa corporal medido na população adulta Brasileira.
Resumo (abstract):
Silhouettes are used in the self-assessment of one\'s body size, shape and satisfaction. This technique can be helpful in intervention studies and in household studies in which body size measurements are not feasible. Despite its popularity, few studies have validated the Stunkard Figure Rating Scale (SFRS) to assess body image (BI) or nutritional status (NS). The present study assessed the agreement between self-assessment of BI by SFRS and measured BMI in adultsa national household survey in Brazil (n=11 247; 57.2% women, aged 20–99y). The subjects were asked to choose a silhouettethe SFRS that most resembled their current status prior to measures of body mass and stature. BMI-derived NS status was then matched to the SFRS. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (OB) was 34.4 and 19.0%, respectively. Weighted kappa between SFRS and BMI was 0.45 and 0.43 and Spearman\'s correlation coefficient was 0.64 and 0.59 for women and men, respectively. Sex-specific receiver operating curves indicated that the silhouettes correctly (area under the curve > 0.80) identified OB and underweight (UW). In conclusion, SFRS provides only reasonable results when estimating the BMI distribution but it works well to identify OB and UW in the Brazilian adult population.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Body mass index; Self-report; Body image; Validation studies; Nutrition assessment; Obesity.
Anjos, L. A., Moraes, C.F. Agreement between self-assessment of body image and measured body mass index in the Brazilian adult population.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/agreement-between-selfassessment-of-body-image-and-measured-body-mass-index-in-the-brazilian-adult-population/17036?id=17036