0193/2020 - Alterations of oral functions and dental malocclusions in adolescents: A cross-sectional population-based study. Alterações das funções orais e má oclusão em adolescentes: Um estudo transversal de base populacional
Objetivo: Avaliar se alterações das funções orais (AFO) estão associadas ao tipo e gravidade da maloclusão (MO). Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 332 adolescentes de 12 anos em São Luís - MA, nordeste do Brasil. Critérios de MO incluíram Classificação de Angle, Índice de Estética Dental e outros problemas morfológicos. As AFO foram avaliadas por respiração, fonação, mastigação e deglutição. Odds ratios (OR) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) foram calculados em análises de regressão logística e multinomial (?=5%). Resultados: Respiração oral foi associada com MO definida (OR=3.84; IC95%=1.45-10.12), incapacitante (OR=4.34; IC95%=1.99-9.49) e classe III (OR=4.15; IC95%=1.19-14.54). Problemas de fonação foram associados às MO definidas (OR=2.01; IC95%=1.02-4.39), incapacitantes (OR=3.04; IC95%=1.55-5.96) e Classe II (OR=2.02; IC95%=1.28-3.18). Alterações na mastigação foram associadas à mordida cruzada posterior (MCP) (OR=2.32; IC95%=1.12-4.82). Deglutição atípica foi associada à MO Classe III (OR=5.66; IC95%=1.35-23.71), MCP(OR=6.13; IC95%=2.76-13.62) e mordida aberta posterior (OR=4.53; IC95%=1.72-8.92). Conclusões: Alterações de respiração e fonação estão associadas às MO nos segmentos anteriores do arco, enquanto as de mastigação e deglutição, nos segmentos posteriores. A força das associações é maior em MO mais severas.
Má oclusão; Respiração Bucal; Fonação; Deglutição.
Objective: To assess whether alterations of oral functions (AOF) are associated with malocclusion (MO)’s type and severity. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 332 adolescents aged 12 years in São Luís - MA, northeastern Brazil. MO criteria included Angle’s classification, Dental Aesthetic Index, and other morphological problems. The AOF were evaluated by breathing, phonation, chewing, and swallowing. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated using logistic and multinomial regression analyses (α=5%). Results: Mouth breathing was associated with defined (OR=3.84; 95%CI=1.45-10.12), disabling (OR=4.34; 95%CI=1.99-9.49), and classe III (OR=4.15; 95%CI=1.19-14.54) MO. Phonation problems were associated with defined (OR=2.01; 95%CI=1.02-4.39), disabling (OR=3.04; 95%CI=1.55-5.96), and Class II (OR=2.02; 95%CI=1.28-3.18) MO. Chewing disorders were associated with posterior crossbite (PCB) (OR=2.32; 95%CI=1.12-4.82). Swallowing disorders were associated with Class III MO (OR=5.66; 95%CI=1.35-23.71), PCB (OR=6.13; 95%CI=2.76-13.62), and posterior open bite (OR=4.53; 95%CI=1.72-8.92). Conclusions: Breathing and phonation alterations are associated with MO in anterior arch segments, while chewing and swallowing disorders, in the posterior segments. The strength of associations is higher in more severe MO.
Alterações das funções orais e má oclusão em adolescentes: Um estudo transversal de base populacional
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To assess whether alterations of oral functions (AOF) are associated with malocclusion (MO)’s type and severity. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 332 adolescents aged 12 years in São Luís - MA, northeastern Brazil. MO criteria included Angle’s classification, Dental Aesthetic Index, and other morphological problems. The AOF were evaluated by breathing, phonation, chewing, and swallowing. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated using logistic and multinomial regression analyses (α=5%). Results: Mouth breathing was associated with defined (OR=3.84; 95%CI=1.45-10.12), disabling (OR=4.34; 95%CI=1.99-9.49), and classe III (OR=4.15; 95%CI=1.19-14.54) MO. Phonation problems were associated with defined (OR=2.01; 95%CI=1.02-4.39), disabling (OR=3.04; 95%CI=1.55-5.96), and Class II (OR=2.02; 95%CI=1.28-3.18) MO. Chewing disorders were associated with posterior crossbite (PCB) (OR=2.32; 95%CI=1.12-4.82). Swallowing disorders were associated with Class III MO (OR=5.66; 95%CI=1.35-23.71), PCB (OR=6.13; 95%CI=2.76-13.62), and posterior open bite (OR=4.53; 95%CI=1.72-8.92). Conclusions: Breathing and phonation alterations are associated with MO in anterior arch segments, while chewing and swallowing disorders, in the posterior segments. The strength of associations is higher in more severe MO.
Freitas, H.V, Alves, C.M.C., Silva, L. F. G, Pereira, A.L.P, Hugo, F.N, Thomaz, E.B.A.F.. Alterations of oral functions and dental malocclusions in adolescents: A cross-sectional population-based study.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jul). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/alterations-of-oral-functions-and-dental-malocclusions-in-adolescents-a-crosssectional-populationbased-study/17675?id=17675