0002/2019 - Alternativas para identificar interações medicamentosas entre as reações adversas a medicamentos em unidades hospitalares. Alternatives to identify drug interactions among adverse drug reactions in hospital units.
Em relação ao estudo de Nail e colaboradores, publicado na última edição da revista, faz-se uma complementação em relação às alternativas existentes para identificar e classificar as interações medicamentosas, as quais correspondem 30% das reações adversas a medicamentos resultando em morbidade significativa a cada ano. Entre as alternativas, está a prática e a inclusão do farmacêutico clínico nas unidades hospitalares, com o objetivo da redução destas reações adversas. Ainda, enfatiza-se a importância do treinamento no uso seguro e eficaz de medicamentos, que é uma prática insuficiente e merece revisão nos níveis de ensino de graduação, pós-graduação e desenvolvimento profissional contínuo. O estudo de Nail e colaboradores, ainda permite discutir as RAM relacionadas a psicofármacos, classe farmacológica que apesar de não ser abordada pelos autores, é muito utilizada por idosos.
Reação adversa, Medicamento, Interações medicamentosas, Idoso, Serviço Hospitalar de Admissão de Pacientes.
In relation to study of Pereira et al., published in last edition of the journal, a complementation is made about existing alternatives to identify and classify drug interactions, which correspond to 30% of the adverse drug reactions resulting in significant morbidity to each year. Among the alternatives, is the practice and the inclusion of clinical pharmacist in hospitals, with the aim of reducing these adverse reactions. Besides that, emphasis the importance of training in the safe and effective use of medication, which is an insufficient practice and deserves revision in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development levels. The study by Nail et al., still allows us to discuss ADR related to psychoactive drugs, a pharmacological class that although not addressed by the authors, is widely used by the elderly.
Drug-related side effects and adverse reactions, Drug Interactions, Aged, Admitting Department, Hospital.
Alternatives to identify drug interactions among adverse drug reactions in hospital units.
Resumo (abstract):
In relation to study of Pereira et al., published in last edition of the journal, a complementation is made about existing alternatives to identify and classify drug interactions, which correspond to 30% of the adverse drug reactions resulting in significant morbidity to each year. Among the alternatives, is the practice and the inclusion of clinical pharmacist in hospitals, with the aim of reducing these adverse reactions. Besides that, emphasis the importance of training in the safe and effective use of medication, which is an insufficient practice and deserves revision in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development levels. The study by Nail et al., still allows us to discuss ADR related to psychoactive drugs, a pharmacological class that although not addressed by the authors, is widely used by the elderly.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Drug-related side effects and adverse reactions, Drug Interactions, Aged, Admitting Department, Hospital.
Nascimento, DZ, Marques, GM, Schuelter-Trevisol, F. Alternativas para identificar interações medicamentosas entre as reações adversas a medicamentos em unidades hospitalares.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/alternativas-para-identificar-interacoes-medicamentosas-entre-as-reacoes-adversas-a-medicamentos-em-unidades-hospitalares/17076?id=17076