0429/2018 - Análise bibliométrica das evidências científicas sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa Bibliometria sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa. Bibliometric analysis of the scientific evidence on violence against the elderly Bibliometrics on violence against the elderly.
O estudo tem como objeto as violências contra a pessoa idosa. Objetiva analisar a produção científica internacional sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliométrica realizada na base de dados ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of Sciencetm, na qual foram usados os termos de busca: “elder, violence ou abuse e health care” , no recorte temporal entre os anos 1991 e 2016. Os dados foram analisados considerando a trajetória de evolução anual das publicações, os periódicos com maior quantidade de registros, os autores com maior quantidade de publicações, a quantidade de artigos distribuídos por país de origem dos autores e os artigos de maior impacto. Foram identificados 267 registros de publicação em 174 periódicos distintos indexados à base de dados em questão e foram escritos por 901 autores que possuem vínculos a 410 instituições, localizadas em 39 países. Na análise descritiva do conteúdo dos top journals da temática e dos artigos mais citados verificou-se potenciais para o desenvolvimento do tema visto que existe a necessidade de mais dados sobre intervenções em casos de violências contra a pessoa idosa, com abordagem multidisciplinar, bem como a realização de mais pesquisas sobre as manifestações clínicas, qualidade vida e seu impacto econômico na utilização dos serviços de saúde.
Idoso; Violência; Abuso; Cuidados de saúde.
The study has as its object the violence against the elderly person. It aims to analyze the international scien-tific production of violence against the elderly person. It is a bibliometric research carried out in the ISI Web of Knowledge / Web of Sciencetm database, in which the search terms \"elder , violence or abuse and health care\" were used, in the time cut between the years 1991 and 2016. The data were analyzed consider-ing the evolution of the annual publications, the journals with the highest number of records, the authors with the highest number of publications, the number of articles distributed by the author\'s country of origin, and articles with the highest impact. We identified 267 publication records in 174 different journals indexed to the database in question and were written by 901 authors with links to 410 institutions located in 39 coun-tries. In the descriptive analysis of the content of the top journals of the topic and of the most cited articles there was potential for the development of the topic, since there is a need for more data on interventions in cases of violence against the elderly, with a multidisciplinary approach, as well as conducting more research on clinical manifestations, quality of life and its economic impact on the use of health services.
Bibliometric analysis of the scientific evidence on violence against the elderly Bibliometrics on violence against the elderly.
Resumo (abstract):
The study has as its object the violence against the elderly person. It aims to analyze the international scien-tific production of violence against the elderly person. It is a bibliometric research carried out in the ISI Web of Knowledge / Web of Sciencetm database, in which the search terms \"elder , violence or abuse and health care\" were used, in the time cut between the years 1991 and 2016. The data were analyzed consider-ing the evolution of the annual publications, the journals with the highest number of records, the authors with the highest number of publications, the number of articles distributed by the author\'s country of origin, and articles with the highest impact. We identified 267 publication records in 174 different journals indexed to the database in question and were written by 901 authors with links to 410 institutions located in 39 coun-tries. In the descriptive analysis of the content of the top journals of the topic and of the most cited articles there was potential for the development of the topic, since there is a need for more data on interventions in cases of violence against the elderly, with a multidisciplinary approach, as well as conducting more research on clinical manifestations, quality of life and its economic impact on the use of health services.
Moura, L.K.B, Azevedo, U.N, Wingerter, D.G, Ferreira, Maria Angela Fernandes, Alves, M.S.C.F., Maciel, M.P.R, Moura, R.P., Silva, A. Análise bibliométrica das evidências científicas sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa Bibliometria sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 10/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/analise-bibliometrica-das-evidencias-cientificas-sobre-violencia-contra-a-pessoa-idosa-bibliometria-sobre-violencia-contra-a-pessoa-idosa/16962?id=16962