0375/2018 - Análise dos óbitos decorrentes de intoxicação ocorridos no Brasil de 2010 a 2015 com base no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM). Deaths of poisoning analysis in Brazil2010 to 2015 based on Information System of Mortality.
Muitos estudos analisam o perfil epidemiológico dos óbitos causados por um único agente tóxico. No entanto, análises mais amplas da mortalidade podem ser obtidas avaliando múltiplos agentes em um mesmo período de tempo. Com esse objetivo, foi realizado um estudo descritivo retrospectivo dos óbitos decorrentes de intoxicações ocorridos de 2010 a 2015 no Brasil, registrados pelo SIM. Os óbitos foram selecionados de acordo com os códigos da CID-10 relacionados a intoxicações. Foram registrados pelo SIM, no período do estudo, 18.247 óbitos decorrentes de intoxicação, resultando em crescimento de 3% no coeficiente de mortalidade. Os agentes que mais causaram óbitos foram os agrotóxicos (24%) seguidos dos medicamentos (23%) e das drogas de abuso (22%). Com exceção dos medicamentos, onde a participação do sexo feminino foi de 52%, verificou-se maior concentração do sexo masculino para todos os agentes e na maioria das faixas etárias. Somente para os medicamentos e agrotóxicos, o suicídio foi a principal circunstância dos óbitos. Os resultados apresentados foram capazes de delinear um perfil de mortalidade para cada um dos principais agentes tóxicos estudados.
mortalidade; intoxicação; medicamentos; agrotóxicos; drogas de abuso
Many studies analyze the epidemiological profile of deaths caused by a single toxic agent. However, broader mortality analyzes can be obtained by evaluating multiple agents over the same period of time. For this purpose, was carried out a retrospective descriptive study of the intoxication deaths occurred in Brazil2010 to 2015, recorded by Information System of Mortality. Deaths were ed according to ICD-10 codes related to intoxication and poisoning. Deaths were ed according to ICD-10 codes related to intoxication. There were 18,247 deaths and an increase of 3% of intoxication mortality rates in the period. The agents that caused the most deaths were pesticides (24%) followed by medicine (23%) and street drugs (22%). With the exception of the medicines, the female participation was 52%, there was a higher concentration of males for all agents and in most of the age groups. Only for medicines and pesticides, suicide was the main circumstance of deaths. The results presented were able to delineate a mortality profile for each of the major toxic agents studied.
mortality; envenomation; drugs; pesticide; street drugs
Deaths of poisoning analysis in Brazil2010 to 2015 based on Information System of Mortality.
Resumo (abstract):
Many studies analyze the epidemiological profile of deaths caused by a single toxic agent. However, broader mortality analyzes can be obtained by evaluating multiple agents over the same period of time. For this purpose, was carried out a retrospective descriptive study of the intoxication deaths occurred in Brazil2010 to 2015, recorded by Information System of Mortality. Deaths were ed according to ICD-10 codes related to intoxication and poisoning. Deaths were ed according to ICD-10 codes related to intoxication. There were 18,247 deaths and an increase of 3% of intoxication mortality rates in the period. The agents that caused the most deaths were pesticides (24%) followed by medicine (23%) and street drugs (22%). With the exception of the medicines, the female participation was 52%, there was a higher concentration of males for all agents and in most of the age groups. Only for medicines and pesticides, suicide was the main circumstance of deaths. The results presented were able to delineate a mortality profile for each of the major toxic agents studied.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
mortality; envenomation; drugs; pesticide; street drugs
Bochner, R, Freire, M.M. Análise dos óbitos decorrentes de intoxicação ocorridos no Brasil de 2010 a 2015 com base no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM).. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/analise-dos-obitos-decorrentes-de-intoxicacao-ocorridos-no-brasil-de-2010-a-2015-com-base-no-sistema-de-informacao-sobre-mortalidade-sim/16908?id=16908