0538/2016 - Associação das condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal com a insatisfação com os serviços odontológicos entre adultos Brasileiros. Association of normative and subjective oral health conditions and the dissatisfaction with dental services among Brazilian adults
• Diego Figueiredo Nóbrega - Nóbrega , Diego Figueiredo - Piracicaba , São Paulo - Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - <diego_duke@hotmail.com>
• Ana Camila Batista Medeiros de Assis - Assis, Ana Camila Batista Medeiros de - Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - <anacamila3@hotmail.com>
Avaliou-se a prevalência da insatisfação com os serviços odontológicos e sua associação com condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal entre adultos brasileiros. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que utilizou dados do inquérito nacional de saúde bucal (SB Brasil) realizado em 2010. Considerou-se uma amostra representativa da população adulta brasileira. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, bivaridas e múltiplas (OR / IC 95%) com correção pelo efeito desenho. Dentre os 4539 adultos incluídos, 614 (13,4%) relataram a insatisfação com os serviços odontológicos utilizados. A insatisfação foi maior entre aqueles que apresentavam algum dente cariado (1,61/ 1,06 ; 2,44), que estavam insatisfeitos com seus dentes e boca (2,36/ 1,39 ; 4,02) e que haviam relatado dor de dente nos últimos 6 meses (1,99/ 1,29 ; 3,07). Conclui-se que a prevalência da insatisfação com os serviços odontológicos entre adultos brasileiros foi baixa e esteve associada a condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal.
Satisfação do pacienteadultoEstudos Transversaisassistência odontológicaavaliação em saúde
We evaluated the prevalence of dissatisfaction with dental services and its association with normative and subjective oral health conditions among Brazilian adults. This cross-sectional study used datathe last Brazilian National Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil), conducted in 2010. It was considered a representative sample of the Brazilian adult population. Data were analyzed by descriptive, univariate and multiple statistics (OR / 95% CI), with correction by the design effect. Among the 4539 adults included in the study, 614 (13.4%) reported dissatisfaction with dental services. Dissatisfaction was higher among adults who presented any decayed tooth (1.61 / 1.06; 2.44), those who were dissatisfied with their teeth and mouth (2.36 / 1.39; 4.02) and that had reported toothache in the last six months (1.99 / 1.29, 3.07). We conclude that the prevalence of dissatisfaction with dental services among Brazilian adults was low and associated to normative and subjective oral health conditions.
Association of normative and subjective oral health conditions and the dissatisfaction with dental services among Brazilian adults
Resumo (abstract):
We evaluated the prevalence of dissatisfaction with dental services and its association with normative and subjective oral health conditions among Brazilian adults. This cross-sectional study used datathe last Brazilian National Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil), conducted in 2010. It was considered a representative sample of the Brazilian adult population. Data were analyzed by descriptive, univariate and multiple statistics (OR / 95% CI), with correction by the design effect. Among the 4539 adults included in the study, 614 (13.4%) reported dissatisfaction with dental services. Dissatisfaction was higher among adults who presented any decayed tooth (1.61 / 1.06; 2.44), those who were dissatisfied with their teeth and mouth (2.36 / 1.39; 4.02) and that had reported toothache in the last six months (1.99 / 1.29, 3.07). We conclude that the prevalence of dissatisfaction with dental services among Brazilian adults was low and associated to normative and subjective oral health conditions.
Nóbrega , Diego Figueiredo, Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Assis, Ana Camila Batista Medeiros de, MARTINS, ANDRÉA MARIA ELEUTÉRIO DE BARROS LIMA, Bulgareli, J.B. Associação das condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal com a insatisfação com os serviços odontológicos entre adultos Brasileiros.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-das-condicoes-normativas-e-subjetivas-de-saude-bucal-com-a-insatisfacao-com-os-servicos-odontologicos-entre-adultos-brasileiros/15964?id=15964