0275/2019 - Associação entre capital social e bullying em adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos: Relações entre o ambiente escolar e social. Association between social capital and bullying in adolescents: Relations between the school and social environment.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre capital social e bullying em adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos, em escolas do ensino médio na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória - Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foi realizado um inquérito epidemiológico seccional de base escolar, com amostra formada por 2.293 estudantes, estratificada por município de localização escolar. Foram executadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais a partir de dois instrumentos: Questionário Integrado para Medir Capital Social do Banco Mundial e Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, em versões adaptadas. Os resultados demostraram que as vítimas de bullying tiveram maiores chances de apresentar baixo nível de capital social cognitivo (p=0,001; OR=1,9; IC95%=1,29-2,68), subjacente (p=0,002; OR=1,7; IC95%=1,20-2,38) e total (p
Capital social; Comportamento social; Bullying; Adolescente; Violência.
This study aimed to analyze the association between social capital and bullying in adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, in high schools in the Greater Vitória Metropolitan Area - Espírito Santo, Brazil. A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was carried out at the school base, with a sample of 2293 students, stratified by municipality of school location. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using two instruments: Integrated Questionnaire to Measure Social Capital of the World Bank and Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, in adapted versions. The results showed that victims of bullying were more likely to present low level of cognitive social capital (p=0,001; OR=1.9, 95%CI=1.29-2.68), underlying (p=0,002; OR=1.7, 95%CI=1.20-2.38) and total (p
Social capital; Social behavior; Bullying; Adolescent; Violence.
Association between social capital and bullying in adolescents: Relations between the school and social environment.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to analyze the association between social capital and bullying in adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, in high schools in the Greater Vitória Metropolitan Area - Espírito Santo, Brazil. A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was carried out at the school base, with a sample of 2293 students, stratified by municipality of school location. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using two instruments: Integrated Questionnaire to Measure Social Capital of the World Bank and Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, in adapted versions. The results showed that victims of bullying were more likely to present low level of cognitive social capital (p=0,001; OR=1.9, 95%CI=1.29-2.68), underlying (p=0,002; OR=1.7, 95%CI=1.20-2.38) and total (p
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Social capital; Social behavior; Bullying; Adolescent; Violence.
Reisen, A., Leite,F.M.C., Santos-Neto, E.T.. Associação entre capital social e bullying em adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos: Relações entre o ambiente escolar e social.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-capital-social-e-bullying-em-adolescentes-de-15-a-19-anos-relacoes-entre-o-ambiente-escolar-e-social/17349?id=17349