0408/2016 - Associação entre doenças crônicas e força de preensão manual de idosos residentes em Florianópolis - SC Association between chronic diseases and handgrip strength in elderly residents of Florianópolis - SC
• Danielle Ledur Antes - Antes, D. L. - Chapecó, SC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Saúde Coletiva - <danielleantes@gmail.com>
Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre doenças crônicas e força de preensão manual (FPM) em idosos de Florianópolis, SC. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com 604 idosos avaliados. A FPM foi verificada por meio de dinamômetro. As variáveis independentes incluíram 10 doenças crônicas, quedas e incapacidade nas atividades da vida diária (AVD). Foram realizadas análises de regressão linear simples e múltipla. Resultados: No modelo final, artrite/reumatismo/artrose (?:-1,44; IC95%: -2,59;-0,28) e bronquite ou asma (?:1,62; IC95%:0,23;3,00) foram associadas à menor FPM, nas mulheres. Para os homens, no modelo final, diabetes (?:-3,81; IC95%:-6,52;-1,10) e incapacidade em 4 ou mais AVD (?:-5,31; IC95%:-9,04;-1,60) associaram-se à menor FPM. Na análise de tendência, houve declínio da FPM com o aumento do número de doenças crônicas para ambos os sexos. Conclusão: Houve associação entre FPM e multimorbidade, com diferenças entre os sexos. Torna-se imprescindível a reformulação de políticas de saúde direcionadas à manutenção da independência e autonomia da população idosa.
Dinamômetro de Força MuscularSaúde do idosoEstudos TransversaisDoença Crônica
Objective: To estimate the association between chronic diseases and handgrip strength (HS) among elderly people from Florianopolis, SC. Methods: A cross-sectional and population-based study including 604 elderly interviewees. HS was verified by dynamometer and recorded independent variables included 10 chronic diseases, falls and disability in activities of daily living (ADL). Simple and multiple linear regression analyzes were performed. Results: In the final model, arthritis/rheumatism/arthrosis (β: -1.44; 95% CI: -2.59, -0.28) and bronchitis or asthma (β: 1.62; 95% CI: 0.23; 3.00) were associated with lower HS in women. For men, in the final model, diabetes (β: -3.81; 95% CI: - 6.52; -1.10) and disability in 4 or more ADL (β: -5.31; 95% CI: - 9 04; -1.60) were associated with lower HS. In the trend analysis, HS decreased with the increasing number of chronic diseases for both sexes. Conclusion: There was an association between HS and multimorbidity, with differences between the sexes. Based on our findings, we propose that health policies should be reformulated with increased emphasis on maintaining the independence and autonomy of the elderly people.
Muscle Strength DynamometerHealth of the ElderlyCross-Sectional StudieChronic Diseases
Association between chronic diseases and handgrip strength in elderly residents of Florianópolis - SC
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To estimate the association between chronic diseases and handgrip strength (HS) among elderly people from Florianopolis, SC. Methods: A cross-sectional and population-based study including 604 elderly interviewees. HS was verified by dynamometer and recorded independent variables included 10 chronic diseases, falls and disability in activities of daily living (ADL). Simple and multiple linear regression analyzes were performed. Results: In the final model, arthritis/rheumatism/arthrosis (β: -1.44; 95% CI: -2.59, -0.28) and bronchitis or asthma (β: 1.62; 95% CI: 0.23; 3.00) were associated with lower HS in women. For men, in the final model, diabetes (β: -3.81; 95% CI: - 6.52; -1.10) and disability in 4 or more ADL (β: -5.31; 95% CI: - 9 04; -1.60) were associated with lower HS. In the trend analysis, HS decreased with the increasing number of chronic diseases for both sexes. Conclusion: There was an association between HS and multimorbidity, with differences between the sexes. Based on our findings, we propose that health policies should be reformulated with increased emphasis on maintaining the independence and autonomy of the elderly people.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Muscle Strength DynamometerHealth of the ElderlyCross-Sectional StudieChronic Diseases
Confortin, S. C., Danielewicz, A. L, Antes, D. L., Ono, Lariane Mortean, Barbosa, A. R.. Associação entre doenças crônicas e força de preensão manual de idosos residentes em Florianópolis - SC. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/ago). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-doencas-cronicas-e-forca-de-preensao-manual-de-idosos-residentes-em-florianopolis-sc/15834?id=15834