0079/2018 - Associação entre o uso de prótese dentária total e o tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado entre idosos edêntulos totais. Association between the use of complete dentures and the type of oral health care service used by the elderly .
A reabilitação protética foi prevista pela política nacional de saúde bucal, em função da alta prevalência de perda de todos os dentes e o baixo uso de prótese dentária entre idosos. Há necessidade de se avaliar o impacto dessa política de reabilitação. Portanto, objetivou-se investigar se o tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado foi um dos fatores associados ao uso de prótese dentária total entre idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido em uma amostra probabilística de idosos (60 anos ou mais) residentes na zona urbana de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte populacional por examinadores calibrados. Realizaram-se análises descritiva, bivariada e múltipla (Regressão logística - odds ratio – OR). Participaram 287 idosos, destes, 186 (64,8%) faziam uso de prótese dentária total. O uso de prótese dentária total foi associado a maiores chances de uso de serviços odontológicos supletivos ou particulares (OR=4,19; p
Idoso; Saúde bucal; Prótese Total.
The oral rehabilitation with dental prosthesis was provided by national oral health policy in Brazil, due the high prevalence of loss of all teeth and low use of dental prosthesis among older people. There is a need to assess the impact of this policy. Therefore, aimed to investigate if the dental service type used was one of the factors associated with the use of dental prosthesis total among the older people. For this, was conducted a cross-sectional study using a probabilistic sample of older people (60 years or more) urban-area residents of a small city, conucted by calibrated examiners. Descriptive, bivariate and multiple (logistic regression odds ratio – OR) analyses were conducted. 287 older people were included, of these, 186 (64.8%) used dental prosthesis. The use of dental prosthesis total was associated with higher chances of using private dental services (OR=4.19; p
Association between the use of complete dentures and the type of oral health care service used by the elderly .
Resumo (abstract):
The oral rehabilitation with dental prosthesis was provided by national oral health policy in Brazil, due the high prevalence of loss of all teeth and low use of dental prosthesis among older people. There is a need to assess the impact of this policy. Therefore, aimed to investigate if the dental service type used was one of the factors associated with the use of dental prosthesis total among the older people. For this, was conducted a cross-sectional study using a probabilistic sample of older people (60 years or more) urban-area residents of a small city, conucted by calibrated examiners. Descriptive, bivariate and multiple (logistic regression odds ratio – OR) analyses were conducted. 287 older people were included, of these, 186 (64.8%) used dental prosthesis. The use of dental prosthesis total was associated with higher chances of using private dental services (OR=4.19; p
Nascimento, Jairo Evangelista, Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Sales, MSM, Ferreira, E.F., Martins, A.M.E.B.L.. Associação entre o uso de prótese dentária total e o tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado entre idosos edêntulos totais.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/fev). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-o-uso-de-protese-dentaria-total-e-o-tipo-de-servico-odontologico-utilizado-entre-idosos-edentulos-totais/16612?id=16612