0275/2015 - Associação entre transtornos mentais comuns e condições subjetivas de saúde entre idosos. Association between common mental disorders and subjective health conditions among the elderly.
• MARIA APARECIDA BARBOSA DE SÁ - SÁ, M. A. B. - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Residência multiprofissional em Saúde da Família- HUCF - <cidab.d.s@hotmail.com>
• Sara de Barros Lima Feres - Feres, Sara de Barros Lima - Associação Educativa do Brasil - SOEBRAS, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde (ICS). - <sara_feress@hotmail.com>
• Bruno Porto Soares - Soares, Bruno Porto - Funorte, Medicina - <brunnops18@hotmail.com>
Objetivou-se avaliar a associação entre a presença de transtornos mentais comuns e o comprometimento das condições subjetivas de saúde entre idosos. Estudo transversal analítico conduzido entre todos os idosos residentes na área urbana de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte populacional. Os transtornos foram avaliados pela versão abreviada do Questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg. Avaliaram-se condições subjetivas e normativas de saúde. Utilizou-se regressão logística (OR/IC95%) com nível de significância de 5%. Foram incluídos 419 idosos. A prevalência dos transtornos foi de 44,6%. A presença de transtornos foi maior entre os idosos que relataram insatisfação com a vida, comprometimento no domínio mental e físico da qualidade de vida e que autoperceberam a aparência de dentes e gengivas como negativa. Menor chance da presença de transtornos foi identificada entre homens e entre aqueles em que a saúde bucal não afetou o relacionamento com outras pessoas. O transtorno mental comum foi identificado em uma parcela considerável dos idosos investigados sendo associado, principalmente, a condições subjetivas de saúde.
Saúde mentalIdosoSaúdePrevalênciaEpidemiologia
Objective to evaluate the association between the presence of common mental disorders and the commitment of oral health conditions among elderly. Analytical cross-sectional study conducted among all elderly residents in urban areaa municipality in small business stock. The mental disorders was evaluated by the shortened version of the General Health questionnaire of Goldberg. Subjective conditions were evaluated and standards of oral health. Logistic regression was used (OR/CI95%) with a significance level of 5%. 419 elderly were included. The prevalence of mental disorders was 62.80%. The mental disorders was greater among seniors with self-perception of the appearance of teeth and gums as negative and that they had not compromised periodontal condition; and with quality impairment in their mental and physical domains. Less chance of the presence of disorders has been identified between men. The common mental disorder has been identified in most elderly investigated and the presence of this disorder has been associated with oral health conditions
Association between common mental disorders and subjective health conditions among the elderly.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective to evaluate the association between the presence of common mental disorders and the commitment of oral health conditions among elderly. Analytical cross-sectional study conducted among all elderly residents in urban areaa municipality in small business stock. The mental disorders was evaluated by the shortened version of the General Health questionnaire of Goldberg. Subjective conditions were evaluated and standards of oral health. Logistic regression was used (OR/CI95%) with a significance level of 5%. 419 elderly were included. The prevalence of mental disorders was 62.80%. The mental disorders was greater among seniors with self-perception of the appearance of teeth and gums as negative and that they had not compromised periodontal condition; and with quality impairment in their mental and physical domains. Less chance of the presence of disorders has been identified between men. The common mental disorder has been identified in most elderly investigated and the presence of this disorder has been associated with oral health conditions
MARTINS, A. M. E. B. L., Nascimento, Jairo Evangelista, Souza, João Gabriel Silva, SÁ, M. A. B., Feres, Sara de Barros Lima, Soares, Bruno Porto, Ferreira, E.F. Associação entre transtornos mentais comuns e condições subjetivas de saúde entre idosos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-transtornos-mentais-comuns-e-condicoes-subjetivas-de-saude-entre-idosos/15348?id=15348