0421/2017 - Associação entre vitimização por violência entre parceiros íntimos e depressão em adultos Brasileiros. Association between victimization by intimate partner Violence anddepression in Brazilian adults.
O objetivo do artigo foi avaliar a associação entre Violência por Parceiros Íntimos (VPI) e depressão em adultos brasileiros. Este estudo transversal utilizou dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) de 2013, com amostra representativa de 49.025 adultos brasileiros, com informações de VPI, depressão e condições sociodemográficas. Para a descrição de características associadas com a depressão, incluindo a exposição principal (VPI), foram realizadas análises de regressão logística simples e múltipla. As análises foram realizadas no programa Stata, versão 13.0. A prevalência de VPI foi de 1,0% na população em geral, de 0,38% entre homens e 1,58% entre mulheres. A prevalência de depressão foi 3,94% (IC95%= 3,68-4,22) na população em geral, e de 1,67% (IC95%= 1,40-1,94) entre os homens e 6,03% (IC95%= 5,57- 6,48) entre as mulheres. Vítimas de VPI tiveram mais chances de relatar depressão em relação às não vítimas (aOR= 2,90; IC95%=1,38-6,09). Concluiu-se que depressão está associada à VPI, o que tem implicações importantes no ponto de vista da saúde pública.
Palavras chave
Violência entre Parceiros Íntimos, Depressão, Prevalência, Estudos Transversais
The aim of the article was to assess the association between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and depression among Brazilian adults. This cross-sectional study used datathe National Health Survey of 2013 regarding a representative sample of 49,025 Brazilian adults, with IPV information, depression and socio-demographic conditions. For a description of characteristics associated with depression, including the main exposition (IPV), analyses were performed of logistic regression simple and multiple. The analyses were performed using the software Stata 13.0. The prevalence of IPV was 1,0% in the general population, and 0,38% among men and 1,58% among women. The prevalence of depression was 3,94% (IC95%= 3,68-4,22) in the general population, and 1,67% (IC95%=1,40-1,94) among men and 6,03% (IC95%= 5,57- 6,48) among women. Victims of IPV were more likely to report depression than non-victim (aOR= 2,90; IC95%=1,38-6,09). We concluded that depression is associated the victimization by intimate partners what has important implicationsthe public health point of view.
Association between victimization by intimate partner Violence anddepression in Brazilian adults.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the article was to assess the association between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and depression among Brazilian adults. This cross-sectional study used datathe National Health Survey of 2013 regarding a representative sample of 49,025 Brazilian adults, with IPV information, depression and socio-demographic conditions. For a description of characteristics associated with depression, including the main exposition (IPV), analyses were performed of logistic regression simple and multiple. The analyses were performed using the software Stata 13.0. The prevalence of IPV was 1,0% in the general population, and 0,38% among men and 1,58% among women. The prevalence of depression was 3,94% (IC95%= 3,68-4,22) in the general population, and 1,67% (IC95%=1,40-1,94) among men and 6,03% (IC95%= 5,57- 6,48) among women. Victims of IPV were more likely to report depression than non-victim (aOR= 2,90; IC95%=1,38-6,09). We concluded that depression is associated the victimization by intimate partners what has important implicationsthe public health point of view.
Silva, A.N, Azeredo, C. M.. Associação entre vitimização por violência entre parceiros íntimos e depressão em adultos Brasileiros.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-vitimizacao-por-violencia-entre-parceiros-intimos-e-depressao-em-adultos-brasileiros/16473?id=16473