0284/2015 - Auto percepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total entre idosos Brasileiros desdentados. Self-perception of the need of total dental prosthesis between elderly Brazilians toothless.
Propõe-se estimar a prevalência da auto percepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total entre idosos (65 a 74 anos) brasileiros desdentados, assim como identificar seus fatores associados. Trata-se de estudo transversal com base no inquérito nacional das condições de Saúde Bucal da população brasileira, denominado SB Brasil – 2010. A variável dependente foi a auto percepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total, considerando a aquisição de prótese nova ou substituição da existente. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, bivariadas e múltiplas. Foram incluídos 3514 idosos, destes, 2039 (55,0%) idosos auto perceberam a necessidade de prótese total. A auto percepção da necessidade de prótese total foi maior entre os que necessitavam de prótese dentária inferior e que estavam insatisfeitos com as suas condições de saúde bucal. Além da alta prevalência da auto percepção da necessidade de prótese identificada, os resultados permitiram identificar que condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal se mantiveram associadas a esta auto percepção entre idosos brasileiros.
Prótese DentáriaPrótese TotalAutopercepçãoIdoso
It is proposed to estimate the prevalence of perceived need for dental prosthesis total among seniors (65 to 74 years) Brazilians toothless, as well as identify its associated factors. This is a cross-sectional study based on the national survey of oral health conditions of the Brazilian population, called SB Brazil-2010. The dependent variable was the perceived need to Prosthodontics total, considering the purchase of new or replacement of the existing prosthesis. Descriptive analyses were conducted, bivariate and multiple. 3514 elderly were included, of these, 2039 (55.0%) elderly self realized the need of complete denture. The self perception of the need for complete denture was higher among those who needed dental prosthesis and who were dissatisfied with their oral health conditions. In addition to the high prevalence of self perception of the need for prosthesis identified, the results identified that normative and subjective conditions of oral health remained associated with this self perception among elderly Brazilians.
Self-perception of the need of total dental prosthesis between elderly Brazilians toothless.
Resumo (abstract):
It is proposed to estimate the prevalence of perceived need for dental prosthesis total among seniors (65 to 74 years) Brazilians toothless, as well as identify its associated factors. This is a cross-sectional study based on the national survey of oral health conditions of the Brazilian population, called SB Brazil-2010. The dependent variable was the perceived need to Prosthodontics total, considering the purchase of new or replacement of the existing prosthesis. Descriptive analyses were conducted, bivariate and multiple. 3514 elderly were included, of these, 2039 (55.0%) elderly self realized the need of complete denture. The self perception of the need for complete denture was higher among those who needed dental prosthesis and who were dissatisfied with their oral health conditions. In addition to the high prevalence of self perception of the need for prosthesis identified, the results identified that normative and subjective conditions of oral health remained associated with this self perception among elderly Brazilians.
Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Souza, S.E., Sampaio, A. A., Siveira, M.F, Ferreira, E.F, MARTINS, A. M. E. B. L.. Auto percepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total entre idosos Brasileiros desdentados.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/auto-percepcao-da-necessidade-de-protese-dentaria-total-entre-idosos-brasileiros-desdentados/15357?id=15357