• Pamela Lamarca Pigozi - Pigozi,Pamela Lamarca. - São Paulo, São Paulo - Universidade de São Paulo Departamento de Enfermagem Materno Infantil e Psiquiátrica - <pamelapigozi@usp.br>
• Ana Lúcia Machado - Machado, A.L. - Universidade de São Paulo - Departamento de Enfermagem Materno-Infantil e Psiquiátrica - <almachad@usp.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente
Embora o bullying seja um tema amplamente disseminado nas mídias sociais e estudado internacionalmente há mais de quatro décadas, no Brasil, somente passou a ser objeto de estudo a partir do final da década de 90 e início do ano 2000. Para compreender a produção científica nacional acerca deste tema, considerou-se aspectos que o caracterizam como subtipo de violência, diferença entre gêneros, fatores associados, consequências e possíveis abordagens intervencionistas e preventivas. A pergunta norteadora desta revisão integrativa foi “O que têm produzido pesquisadores brasileiros acerca do bullying entre adolescentes?”, sendo realizada através de sete bases de dados. Os dados mostram que mais da metade das pesquisas são de cunho quantitativo através de estudos transversais e aplicação de questionários, visando estabelecer a ocorrência do bullying e seus fatores associados. Demonstrou a significante incidência de bullying entre os adolescentes brasileiros, a relação com comportamentos de risco, as graves consequências à saúde mental dos jovens, a falta de compreensão desta faixa etária sobre o que é o bullying e a escassez de estratégias de manejo deste tipo de agressão. Indica-se a importância de estudos preventivos, interventivos e restaurativos que envolvam a comunidade e que façam parte do cotidiano escolar.
bullying; adolescente; atenção à saúde
Although bullying is a widespread theme on social media and studied internationally for over four decades, in Brazil only became an object of studythe late 90s and early 2000. To understand the national scientific production about this theme, we considered aspects that characterize it as subtype of violence, gender difference, associated factors, consequences and possible interventional and preventive approaches. The guiding question of this integrative review was \"What have brazilian researchers been producing about bullying among adolescents?\", carried through seven databases. The data show that more than half of the research is quantitative through cross-sectional surveys and questionnaires, to establish the occurrence of bullying and associated factors. Demonstrated the significant incidence of bullying among brazilian adolescents, the relationship with risk behavior, severe mental health consequences to the young people, the lack of understanding of this age group about what is bullying and the lack of strategies to deal this type of aggression. More preventive, restorative and interventional studies is needed, also involving the community and being part of the school routine.
Although bullying is a widespread theme on social media and studied internationally for over four decades, in Brazil only became an object of studythe late 90s and early 2000. To understand the national scientific production about this theme, we considered aspects that characterize it as subtype of violence, gender difference, associated factors, consequences and possible interventional and preventive approaches. The guiding question of this integrative review was \"What have brazilian researchers been producing about bullying among adolescents?\", carried through seven databases. The data show that more than half of the research is quantitative through cross-sectional surveys and questionnaires, to establish the occurrence of bullying and associated factors. Demonstrated the significant incidence of bullying among brazilian adolescents, the relationship with risk behavior, severe mental health consequences to the young people, the lack of understanding of this age group about what is bullying and the lack of strategies to deal this type of aggression. More preventive, restorative and interventional studies is needed, also involving the community and being part of the school routine.
Pigozi,Pamela Lamarca., Machado, A.L.. Bullying na adolescência: Visão panorâmica no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/bullying-na-adolescencia-visao-panoramica-no-brasil/15073?id=15073