0234/2016 - Câncer e suicídio em idosos: determinantes psicossociais do risco, psicopatologia e oportunidades para prevenção Cancer and suicide in elderly: psychosocial determinants of risks, psychopathology and opportunities for prevention
• Manoel Antônio dos Santos - Santos, M.A. - Ribeirão Preto, SP - Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Psicologia - <masantos@ffclrp.usp.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde do Idoso
O suicídio é um sério problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. O avanço da idade está diretamente associado ao aumento da incidência de câncer e as limitações físicas e funcionais decorrentes da doença são fatores associados ao comportamento suicida em idosos. Este estudo teve por objetivo revisar criticamente a literatura sobre os fatores de risco associados ao suicídio em pacientes idosos com câncer, publicada entre 2000 e 2015. Foram examinados os determinantes psicossociais de risco e a psicopatologia em 20 artigos selecionados. Os estudos consistentemente identificam um conjunto de fatores que têm sido associados ao comportamento suicida em idosos com câncer, que incluem comprometimento físico e mental (particularmente depressão maior), isolamento social e o modo como esses fatores e outros interagem entre si. Dada a importância do tema, novas pesquisas se fazem necessárias para examinar se a educação do profissional de saúde e o incremento de suas habilidades de avaliação e manejo do risco suicida poderiam ter efeitos positivos na redução das taxas de suicídio observadas entre idosos com câncer. Considerações para estudos futuros encorajam a adoção de intervenções baseadas em evidências empíricas para o manejo individualizado do paciente oncológico idoso.
IdosoNeoplasiasSuicídioFatores de riscoRevisão
Suicide is a serious public health problem worldwide. Increasing age is directly associated with increasing rates of cancer, and the impaired physical conditions and functional status are important factors regarded as being associated with suicidal behaviour in old age. This study aims to review critically the literature on the risk factors associated with suicide in older cancer patients, published between 2000 and 2015. There has been examinated psychosocial precipitants of risks and psychopathology in 20 ed articles. Studies consistently identified a number of factors long regarded as being associated with suicidal behaviour in cancer and in old age. These include impaired physical health, mental illness (particularly major depression), social isolation, and the manner in which these factors and others interact. Further research is needed given the importance of the subject and to examine whether further educating for healthcare providers and their habilities on assessment and management of suicide risk would have an positive effects on reducting the suicide rates in older persons with cancer. Conclusions and considerations for upcoming studies encourage the adoption of empirically supported interventions for individualized management of the older cancer patient.
Cancer and suicide in elderly: psychosocial determinants of risks, psychopathology and opportunities for prevention
Resumo (abstract):
Suicide is a serious public health problem worldwide. Increasing age is directly associated with increasing rates of cancer, and the impaired physical conditions and functional status are important factors regarded as being associated with suicidal behaviour in old age. This study aims to review critically the literature on the risk factors associated with suicide in older cancer patients, published between 2000 and 2015. There has been examinated psychosocial precipitants of risks and psychopathology in 20 ed articles. Studies consistently identified a number of factors long regarded as being associated with suicidal behaviour in cancer and in old age. These include impaired physical health, mental illness (particularly major depression), social isolation, and the manner in which these factors and others interact. Further research is needed given the importance of the subject and to examine whether further educating for healthcare providers and their habilities on assessment and management of suicide risk would have an positive effects on reducting the suicide rates in older persons with cancer. Conclusions and considerations for upcoming studies encourage the adoption of empirically supported interventions for individualized management of the older cancer patient.
Santos, M.A.. Câncer e suicídio em idosos: determinantes psicossociais do risco, psicopatologia e oportunidades para prevenção. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Mai). [Citado em 05/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/cancer-e-suicidio-em-idosos-determinantes-psicossociais-do-risco-psicopatologia-e-oportunidades-para-prevencao/15659?id=15659