0944/2013 - Capital social en áreas rurales: adaptación al español y validación factorial de una escala Social capital in rural areas: Spanish adaptation and factorial validation of a scale
• Julián Alfredo Fernández-Niño - Fernandez-Niño, J.A. - Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Cuernavaca, México - <juliandesires@gmail.com> +
• Magda C Cepeda - Cepeda MC - División de Investigaciones, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Bogotá DC, Colombia. - <macricegi.86@gmail.com>
• José Moreno-Montoya - Moreno-Montoya, J. - División de salud, Fundación FES-Social. Cali, Colombia. - <josemorenomontoya@gmail.com>
• Carlos E. Pinzón - Pinzón, C.E. - Centro de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Cuernavaca, México - <cepinzon@gmail.com>
• Álvaro J. Idrovo - Idrovo, A. - Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia. Floridablanca, Colombia; Departamento de Salud Pública, Escuela de Medicina, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia - <idrovoaj@yahoo.com.mx>
Área Temática:
Saúde e Ambiente
Antecedentes: El capital social se considera un determinante estructural de desarrollo y bienestar social. Su componente cognitivo evalúa el grado de confianza de la población en sus sistemas de organización social, así como las interacciones comunitarias que estructuran respuestas sociales a los problemas sociales. Existen pocas escalas disponibles para la medición de este constructo. Objetivo: Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la adaptación al español y validación psicométrica de una escala para la medición de capital social en contextos rurales. Métodos: Se adaptó al español la escala de capital social cognitivo de Wang. Se aplicaron 1200 encuestas a adultos en 12 veredas de Tierralta (Colombia) seleccionados con muestreo aleatorio simple estratificado. Se realizó análisis factorial de la escala a partir de una matriz de correlación policórica. Resultados: El análisis factorial exploratorio sugiere la existencia de dos factores principales distribuidos así: 7 ítems para el factor 1 (confianza) (valor propio 3.23.) y 2 ítems (Q2, Q3) para el factor 2 (desconfianza) (valor propio 1.40). Como fue observado por Wang, Q9 y Q10 parecen preguntas ambiguas que no aportan suficiente a ninguno de los factores. Discusión: Se presenta la primera validación factorial al español de la escala de capital social de Wang en el contexto social de la Colombia rural.
Capital social
Introduction: Social capital is considered as a structural determinant of development and social wellbeing. Its cognitive component assesses the confidence degree of the population on their systems for social organization, either on institutions or community interactions which allow to coordinate social responses to social problems. There are few available scales for measuring this construct. Objectives: This work presents the adaptation to Spanish and psychometric validation of a scale for measuring social capital in a rural setting. Methods: An adaptation to Spanish of the Wang Social Cognitive Scale was performed. 1200 questionnaires were applied to adults in 12 villages of the municipality of Tierra Alta, (Colombia) recruited with random sampling. A factor analysis of the scale was performed from a polichoric correlation matrix. Results: Exploratory factor analysis suggests the existence of two principal factors, distributed as follows: 7 items for factor 1, trust (eigenvalue 3.23) and 2 items (Q2, Q3), for the factor 2 –distrust- (eigenvalue 1.40). As reported in the original validation study, Q9 and Q10 could be ambiguous questions which do not contribute enough to neither of the factors. Discussion: The first factorial validation to Spanish language of the Wang Social Capital Scale in Latin America is presented, with special regard in the rural Colombian setting.
Social capital in rural areas: Spanish adaptation and factorial validation of a scale
Resumo (abstract):
Introduction: Social capital is considered as a structural determinant of development and social wellbeing. Its cognitive component assesses the confidence degree of the population on their systems for social organization, either on institutions or community interactions which allow to coordinate social responses to social problems. There are few available scales for measuring this construct. Objectives: This work presents the adaptation to Spanish and psychometric validation of a scale for measuring social capital in a rural setting. Methods: An adaptation to Spanish of the Wang Social Cognitive Scale was performed. 1200 questionnaires were applied to adults in 12 villages of the municipality of Tierra Alta, (Colombia) recruited with random sampling. A factor analysis of the scale was performed from a polichoric correlation matrix. Results: Exploratory factor analysis suggests the existence of two principal factors, distributed as follows: 7 items for factor 1, trust (eigenvalue 3.23) and 2 items (Q2, Q3), for the factor 2 –distrust- (eigenvalue 1.40). As reported in the original validation study, Q9 and Q10 could be ambiguous questions which do not contribute enough to neither of the factors. Discussion: The first factorial validation to Spanish language of the Wang Social Capital Scale in Latin America is presented, with special regard in the rural Colombian setting.
Fernandez-Niño, J.A., Cepeda MC, Moreno-Montoya, J., Pinzón, C.E., Idrovo, A.. Capital social en áreas rurales: adaptación al español y validación factorial de una escala. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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