0352/2010 - COLABORAÇÃO E PARTICIPAÇÃO DE CRIANÇAS NO ATENDIMENTO FONOAUDIOLÓGICO Collaboration and Participation of Children in Speech Therapy and Audiology Care
Nos atendimentos em saúde, observam-se situações de não colaboração/participação do paciente. Em muitos casos, não se consegue completar procedimentos de avaliação, e os procedimentos de intervenção podem ser prejudicados. Esse problema tem sido pesquisado por algumas áreas da saúde, sendo escassos os trabalhos envolvendo a atuação em Fonoaudiologia. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar um levantamento sobre conhecimentos e estratégias dos fonoaudiólogos diante de situações consideradas difíceis na prática clínica com crianças. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com estudantes e docentes de um curso de graduação em Fonoaudiologia de uma universidade pública brasileira, abordando problemas encontrados no atendimento de crianças de 4 a 12 anos, bem como as soluções propostas. A análise de conteúdo dos dados envolveu a construção de um sistema de categorias relativo às estratégias relatadas e propostas. As categorias foram comparadas com as obtidas em estudo análogo (atendimento em Odontopediatria), e a análise apontou para especificidades do atendimento em cada uma das profissões. Os resultados contribuíram para a sistematização do conhecimento relacionado à colaboração/participação, e evidenciaram a preocupação dos participantes com a humanização do atendimento. Palavras-chave: relação profissional-paciente; colaboração/participação; fonoaudiologia.
In healthcare there may be situations that bring difficulties to the professionals, frequently leading them to seek strategies to get the patient to participate and collaborate, particularly amongst children, and few studies address this subject in Speech Therapy and Audiology. The general goal of this work was to gather information on knowledge and strategies used by speech therapists and audiologists for situations considered difficult in clinical practice. With this objective, semi-structured interviews were organized with fourth-year graduate students and faculty members of a Speech Therapy and Audiology graduation course in a Brazilian public university. These interviews comprehended problems faced while attending children aged four to 12, as well as the proposed solutions. Content analysis lead to the construction of a system of categories related to the mentioned strategies and proposals. This system was compared to a similar study in Odontopediatrics, comparing the characteristics specific to each profession. The results contributed to the systematization of knowledge related to collaboration/participation, and evidenced the concern of the participants towards humanization of health care. Keywords: professional-patient relationship, collaboration / participation; Speech therapy and Audiology.
Collaboration and Participation of Children in Speech Therapy and Audiology Care
Resumo (abstract):
In healthcare there may be situations that bring difficulties to the professionals, frequently leading them to seek strategies to get the patient to participate and collaborate, particularly amongst children, and few studies address this subject in Speech Therapy and Audiology. The general goal of this work was to gather information on knowledge and strategies used by speech therapists and audiologists for situations considered difficult in clinical practice. With this objective, semi-structured interviews were organized with fourth-year graduate students and faculty members of a Speech Therapy and Audiology graduation course in a Brazilian public university. These interviews comprehended problems faced while attending children aged four to 12, as well as the proposed solutions. Content analysis lead to the construction of a system of categories related to the mentioned strategies and proposals. This system was compared to a similar study in Odontopediatrics, comparing the characteristics specific to each profession. The results contributed to the systematization of knowledge related to collaboration/participation, and evidenced the concern of the participants towards humanization of health care. Keywords: professional-patient relationship, collaboration / participation; Speech therapy and Audiology.
Batista, C.G.. COLABORAÇÃO E PARTICIPAÇÃO DE CRIANÇAS NO ATENDIMENTO FONOAUDIOLÓGICO. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2010/jul). [Citado em 06/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/colaboracao-e-participacao-de-criancas-no-atendimento-fonoaudiologico/5977?id=5977