Com o fim de investigar qual o ideário de palhaço que circula no cenário hospitalar, o presente artigo resgata a ancestralidade da figura do palhaço de hospitais, avalia sua formação profissional e tematiza seu papel na contemporaneidade. Através de um estudo descritivo, histórico-documental e qualitativo, a presente pesquisa foi realizada a partir de buscas em bancos de dados acadêmicos como PubMed e Lilacs, em abril de 2021. A insuficiência dos resultados motivou a consulta a acervos de livros, assim como um resgate documental de grupos de palhaços. Com a função de carregar leveza, humor e comicidade, foi possível observar que o palhaço de hospital, apesar de não ter a função de curar, complementa o tratamento de pacientes e, portanto, necessita de capacitação nos campos da arte e da biossegurança. Com base na pesquisa bibliográfica, porém, concluiu-se que há uma grande necessidade de formação e educação continuada dos palhaços de hospitais que atuam no contexto brasileiro.
Palhaço; Hospital; Saúde; Ancestralidade do Palhaço de Hospital; Formação Profissional.
In order to investigate which clown ideology circulates in the hospital scenario, this paper rescues the ancestry of the figure of the hospital clown, evaluates his professional training, and discusses his role in contemporary times. Through a descriptive, historical-documentary, and qualitative study, the present research was carried outsearches in academic databases such as PubMed and Lilacs, in April 2021. The insufficiency of the results motivated the consultation of book collections, as well as a documentary rescue of clown groups. With the function of carrying lightness, humor, and comicalness, it was possible to observe that the hospital clown, despite not having the function of curing, complements the treatment of patients and, therefore, needs training in the fields of art and biosafety. Based on the bibliographic research, however, it was concluded that there is a great need for training and continued education of hospital clowns who act in the Brazilian context.
Clown; Hospital; Health; Hospital Clown Ancestry; Professional Training.
Constructed and disseminated behaviors in the hospital clown
Resumo (abstract):
In order to investigate which clown ideology circulates in the hospital scenario, this paper rescues the ancestry of the figure of the hospital clown, evaluates his professional training, and discusses his role in contemporary times. Through a descriptive, historical-documentary, and qualitative study, the present research was carried outsearches in academic databases such as PubMed and Lilacs, in April 2021. The insufficiency of the results motivated the consultation of book collections, as well as a documentary rescue of clown groups. With the function of carrying lightness, humor, and comicalness, it was possible to observe that the hospital clown, despite not having the function of curing, complements the treatment of patients and, therefore, needs training in the fields of art and biosafety. Based on the bibliographic research, however, it was concluded that there is a great need for training and continued education of hospital clowns who act in the Brazilian context.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Clown; Hospital; Health; Hospital Clown Ancestry; Professional Training.
Silva, M. R., Marques, M. C. C., Penha, A. V. X., Caires, S.. Comportamentos construídos e disseminados no palhaço de hospital. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/ago). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
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