0754/2011 - Conhecimento, consumo e acesso à contracepção de emergência entre mulheres universitárias no Sul do Estado de Santa Catarina. Knowledge of and access to emergency contraception among female university students in southern Santa Catarina.
• Graziela Modolon Alano - Alano,G.M. - Tubarão, Santa Catarina - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <graziela.alano@unisul.br>
• Luziane Righeto Miranda - Miranda, L.R. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <lurighetto@hotmail.com>
• Laise Nunes Costa - Costa, L.N. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <laise-costa@hotmail.com>
• Dayani Galato - GALATO, D - Tubarão, SC - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <dayani.galato@unisul.br>
Área Temática:
Assistência Farmacêutica
A contracepção de emergência tem sido utilizada na prevenção da gravidez não planejada; no entanto, deve ser utilizada em situações em que possa haver falha de outro método contraceptivo. O estudo teve por objetivo investigar o conhecimento, o consumo e o acesso desse método entre mulheres universitárias do Sul do Estado de Santa Catarina. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, aplicando-se formulário de setembro a outubro de 2008. Participaram do estudo 360 mulheres entre 18 e 45 anos, maioria da classe econômica B2 ou superior (74,2%), onde 79,4% já haviam mantido relação sexual. Destas, 48,6% haviam utilizado a contracepção de emergência, sendo mais frequente quanto menor a idade. O método foi usado em média 2,4 vezes e 87,1% administraram-no até 24 horas após a relação sexual. Foram referidas reações adversas por 20,9% das usuárias, sendo as mais comuns, alterações menstruais (44,8%) e náuseas (44,8%). Os principais motivos para o uso do método foram: não uso do preservativo (44,6%) e rompimento do mesmo (39,6%). Das entrevistadas, 15,0% não souberam responder ou responderam de modo errado à questão sobre a não prevenção de Doença Sexualmente Transmissível pelo método e 97,8% negaram ter alterado o método utilizado rotineiramente. Apenas 2,9% das mulheres adquiriram o medicamento mediante prescrição médica e 35,3% receberam orientações no momento da compra.
Contracepção de emergência (utilização)
Pílula do dia seguinte
Doença Sexualmente Transmissível
Emergency contraception has been used in the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. However, it should be conducted only in situations where more secure methods of contraception have failed. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge of and access to emergency contraception among female university students in southern Santa Catarina. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted between September and October 2008. A questionnaire was administered to 360 women aged 18 to 45 years. Most belonged to B2 economy class or higher (74.2%) and 79.4 percent of them had already had sexual relations. Of these, 48.6 percent had used emergency contraception, which was more frequent among younger women. Emergency contraception was used 2.4 times, and 87.1 percent had used contraceptive methods within 24 hours after intercourse. Adverse reactions were reported by 20.9%, the most common being menstrual changes (44.8%) and nausea (44.8%). The reasons for using emergency contraception included the lack of condom use (44.6%) and condom break (39.6%). Fifteen percent of the interviewed women either did not answer the question on STD prevention or gave a wrong answer, while 97.8 percent denied having changed the method used routinely. Only 2.9 percent of the participants had acquired the medical prescription, and 35.3% had received medication guidance at the time of purchase.
Emergency Contraception (use)
Morning-After Pill
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Knowledge of and access to emergency contraception among female university students in southern Santa Catarina.
Resumo (abstract):
Emergency contraception has been used in the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. However, it should be conducted only in situations where more secure methods of contraception have failed. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge of and access to emergency contraception among female university students in southern Santa Catarina. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted between September and October 2008. A questionnaire was administered to 360 women aged 18 to 45 years. Most belonged to B2 economy class or higher (74.2%) and 79.4 percent of them had already had sexual relations. Of these, 48.6 percent had used emergency contraception, which was more frequent among younger women. Emergency contraception was used 2.4 times, and 87.1 percent had used contraceptive methods within 24 hours after intercourse. Adverse reactions were reported by 20.9%, the most common being menstrual changes (44.8%) and nausea (44.8%). The reasons for using emergency contraception included the lack of condom use (44.6%) and condom break (39.6%). Fifteen percent of the interviewed women either did not answer the question on STD prevention or gave a wrong answer, while 97.8 percent denied having changed the method used routinely. Only 2.9 percent of the participants had acquired the medical prescription, and 35.3% had received medication guidance at the time of purchase.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Emergency Contraception (use)
Morning-After Pill
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Alano,G.M., Miranda, L.R., Costa, L.N., GALATO, D. Conhecimento, consumo e acesso à contracepção de emergência entre mulheres universitárias no Sul do Estado de Santa Catarina.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/jul). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/conhecimento-consumo-e-acesso-a-contracepcao-de-emergencia-entre-mulheres-universitarias-no-sul-do-estado-de-santa-catarina/7950?id=7950