2343/2012 - Conselhos Municipais de Alimentação Escolar em Santa Catarina: caracterização e perfil de atuação Municipal School Meal Councils in Santa Catarina, Brazil: Characterization and performance
• Manuella de Souza Machado - Machado, MS - Centro Colaborador em Alimentação e Nutrição do Escolar de Santa Catarina (CECANE/SC) - <manums@ig.com .br >
Área Temática:
Não Categorizado
Objetivos: Avaliar os Conselhos Municipais de Alimentação Escolar (CAEs) no Estado de Santa Catarina. Métodos: Investigação transversal em amostra de municípios catarinenses (n=152; 52%). Entrevistaram-se preferencialmente os presidentes dos CAEs, investigando-se o perfil dos conselheiros, atribuições realizadas e relação do CAE com outras instâncias de controle social. Utilizou-se Regressão de Poisson para obter razões de prevalências bruta e ajustada. No modelo ajustado seguiu-se uma abordagem hierárquica. Resultados: A maioria dos conselhos analisava a prestação de contas (95,4%), fiscalizava os recursos (91,4%), zelava pela qualidade do PNAE em todos os níveis (84,9%), orientava o armazenamento dos alimentos (66,4%), participava da elaboração do cardápio (62,4%), acompanhava a compra de gêneros (59,2%) e tinha regimento interno (53,6%). Entretanto, apenas 22,4% realizavam todas as atribuições com frequência maior ou igual à anual. Verificou-se associação positiva entre uma boa atuação do CAE e existência de relação com outros conselhos locais (3,2; 95%; IC:1,1–8,6). Conclusão: A sensibilização dos CAE`s e o estímulo à atuação articulada com outros conselhos e atores envolvidos com a segurança alimentar e nutricional, são essenciais para a garantia do direito à alimentação saudável e adequada nas escolas.
controle social
alimentação escolar
conselho de alimentação escolar
programas e políticas de nutrição e alimentação
Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess municipal school meal councils of the National School Feeding Program (SMC) in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of municipalities in the state (n = 152; 52%). SMC presidents were interviewed, being investigated about the counselor’s profile, performed attributions and relation of the SMC with other local councils. Poisson regression analysis was performed to obtained unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios. The adjusted model employed a hierarchic approach. Results: The majority of councils analyzed accounting reports (95.4%), monitored resources (91.4%), monitored the quality of the school meal program on all levels (84.9%), orientated the storage of foods (66.4%), participated in the determination of the menu (62.4%), monitored the purchasing of foods (59.2%) and had an internal regulation system (53.6%). Only 22.4% carried out all requirements with a frequency of once or more times per year. A positive association was found between an adequate performance of the SMC and relations with other local councils (3.2; 95% CI: 1.1 to 8.6). Conclusion: The sensitization of the SMC, as well as the stimulus to the acting articulated with other councils and actors involved with food security, are essential to ensuring the right to healthy, adequate meals at schools.
social control
school feeding
municipal school meal councils
nutrition programs and policies
Municipal School Meal Councils in Santa Catarina, Brazil: Characterization and performance
Resumo (abstract):
Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess municipal school meal councils of the National School Feeding Program (SMC) in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of municipalities in the state (n = 152; 52%). SMC presidents were interviewed, being investigated about the counselor’s profile, performed attributions and relation of the SMC with other local councils. Poisson regression analysis was performed to obtained unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios. The adjusted model employed a hierarchic approach. Results: The majority of councils analyzed accounting reports (95.4%), monitored resources (91.4%), monitored the quality of the school meal program on all levels (84.9%), orientated the storage of foods (66.4%), participated in the determination of the menu (62.4%), monitored the purchasing of foods (59.2%) and had an internal regulation system (53.6%). Only 22.4% carried out all requirements with a frequency of once or more times per year. A positive association was found between an adequate performance of the SMC and relations with other local councils (3.2; 95% CI: 1.1 to 8.6). Conclusion: The sensitization of the SMC, as well as the stimulus to the acting articulated with other councils and actors involved with food security, are essential to ensuring the right to healthy, adequate meals at schools.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
social control
school feeding
municipal school meal councils
nutrition programs and policies
Gabriel, C.G., Caldeira, G V, Schmitz BAS , Corso ACT, Vasconcelos, F.A.G, Machado, MS. Conselhos Municipais de Alimentação Escolar em Santa Catarina: caracterização e perfil de atuação. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/dez). [Citado em 17/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/conselhos-municipais-de-alimentacao-escolar-em-santa-catarina-caracterizacao-e-perfil-de-atuacao/12054?id=12054