0153/2020 - Covid-19: Perspectives and initiatives in older adults health context in Brazil Covid-19: Perspectivas e iniciativas no contexto de saúde do idoso no Brasil
Este artigo fornece informações sobre a COVID-19, contextualizando o cenário nacional e internacional, com ênfase na saúde do idoso. São apresentadas perspectivas e iniciativas voltadas para esse grupo de risco, reforçando a necessidade de considerar o processo de envelhecimento e não apenas a idade como o principal marcador na abordagem dessa população.
COVID-19; Saúde do Idoso; Brasil
This article provides information about COVID-19, contextualizing the national and international scenario, with an emphasis on the health of the elderly. Perspectives and initiatives for this risk group are presented, reinforcing the need to consider the aging process and not just age as the main marker in the approach of this population.
Covid-19: Perspectivas e iniciativas no contexto de saúde do idoso no Brasil
Resumo (abstract):
This article provides information about COVID-19, contextualizing the national and international scenario, with an emphasis on the health of the elderly. Perspectives and initiatives for this risk group are presented, reinforcing the need to consider the aging process and not just age as the main marker in the approach of this population.
Pegorari, M.S, Ohara, D.G, Matos, A.P, Pinto, A.C.P.N. Covid-19: Perspectives and initiatives in older adults health context in Brazil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 07/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/covid19-perspectives-and-initiatives-in-older-adults-health-context-in-brazil/17635?id=17635&id=17635