Aunque las enfermedades transmisibles afectan nuestros cuerpos, ocurren en una sociedad que las interpreta y dota de significado, y cuyos individuos causan o evitan. La inmunidad de rebaño permite lograr una protección del cuerpo, sin embargo, para su sustentabilidad, se requiere de cambios en la manera cómo las personas interpretan y responden a la enfermedad, de transformaciones culturales que permitan desarrollar conocimientos, hábitos y destrezas que hagan factible y sostenible la inmunidad de rebaño. La cultura de rebaño permite a los individuos protegerse y restringir su libertad para proteger a los demás, es una forma de ejercicio de la libertad positiva y el complemento necesario de la inmunidad del rebaño en la sociedad democrática.
inmunidad de rebaño, cultura de rebaño, covid-19, libertad, cambios culturales
Although communicable diseases affect our bodies, they occur in a society that interprets and gives them meaning. Herd immunity allows the body to achieve protection, however, for its sustainability, it requires changes in the way people interpret and respond to disease, cultural transformations that allow the development of knowledge, habits and skills that make herd immunity feasible and sustainable. Herd culture allows individuals to protect themselves and restrict their freedom in order to protect others; it is a form of exercising positive freedom and the necessary complement to herd immunity in democratic society
Herd immunity, herd culture, covid-19, freedom, cultural changes.
Although communicable diseases affect our bodies, they occur in a society that interprets and gives them meaning. Herd immunity allows the body to achieve protection, however, for its sustainability, it requires changes in the way people interpret and respond to disease, cultural transformations that allow the development of knowledge, habits and skills that make herd immunity feasible and sustainable. Herd culture allows individuals to protect themselves and restrict their freedom in order to protect others; it is a form of exercising positive freedom and the necessary complement to herd immunity in democratic society
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Herd immunity, herd culture, covid-19, freedom, cultural changes.
Briceño-León, R.. Cultura de Rebaño e Inmunidad de Rebaño. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/fev). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
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