0226/2017 - DEBATEDORES - Contemporary challenges on Access to Medicines: beyond the UNSG High-Level Panel DEBATEDORES - Contemporary challenges on Access to Medicines: beyond the UNSG High-Level Panel
• Claudia Patricia Vaca Gonzalez - Vaca Gonzalez, Claudia Patricia - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - <cpvacag@unal.edu.co>
• Frederick Abbott - Abbott, Frederick - Florida State University College of Law - <fabbott@law.fsu.edu>
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No contexto do Relatório do Painel de Alto Nível em acesso a medicamentos do Secretario-Geral das Nações Unidas, relatório recém liberado, o autor revisa questões relacionadas ao contexto e discussões sobre o acesso a medicamentos e o conflito entre saúde e comércio presente nas últimas décadas. Estas questões tem sido relevantes na Saúde Global, em especial questionando o atual sistema de inovação, P&D e proteção da propriedade intelectual. As lições aprendidas do Relatório do Painel de Alto Nível são destacadas e a necessidade de discutir com maior profundidade e implementar ações concretas, com o mundo mudando dos ODMs para os ODSs, exige ações fortes por parte das Nações Unidas e uma forte interação com outros atores chaves. A capacidade de aquisição de novas tecnologias, ou incapacidade, são discutidas, deixando claro que precisamos de implementar ações corajosas para assegurar o acesso a medicamentos como um direito humano.
Acesso a MedicamentosSaúde GlobalSaúde PúblicaProdutos Farmacêuticos
Within the context of the recently released United Nations Secretary-General´s Report of the High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines, the author reviews issues related to the context and discussions on access to medicines and the conflict between trade and health during the last decades. These issues have been relevant and outstanding in Global Health, especially questioning the current system of innovation, R&D and IP protection. Lessons learned from the HLP Report are highlighted and the need to further discuss and implement concrete actions, as the world has moved from the MDGs to the SDGs, demand strong actions derived from the United Nations and a strong interaction with other key stakeholders. Affordability and unaffordability of new technologies are discussed, making clear that we need to implement bold actions in order to ensure access to medicines as a human right.
DEBATEDORES - Contemporary challenges on Access to Medicines: beyond the UNSG High-Level Panel
Resumo (abstract):
Within the context of the recently released United Nations Secretary-General´s Report of the High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines, the author reviews issues related to the context and discussions on access to medicines and the conflict between trade and health during the last decades. These issues have been relevant and outstanding in Global Health, especially questioning the current system of innovation, R&D and IP protection. Lessons learned from the HLP Report are highlighted and the need to further discuss and implement concrete actions, as the world has moved from the MDGs to the SDGs, demand strong actions derived from the United Nations and a strong interaction with other key stakeholders. Affordability and unaffordability of new technologies are discussed, making clear that we need to implement bold actions in order to ensure access to medicines as a human right.