0289/2015 - Desigualdade No Perfil Dos Idosos Institucionalizados Da Cidade Do Natal Inequality In The Profile Of Institutionalized Seniors In The City Of Natal
• Natália Cristina Garcia Pinheiro - Pinheiro, Natália Cristina Garcia - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <nahpinheiro@hotmail.com> +
• Vinicius Carlos Duarte Holanda - Holanda, Vinicius Carlos Duarte - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <duartevini18@gmail.com>
• Annie Karoline Bezerra de Medeiros - Medeiros, Annie Karoline Bezerra de - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <annie_medeiros@hotmail.com>
Objetivou-se verificar as desigualdades no perfil dos idosos residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPIs) com e sem fins lucrativos. Foram visitadas 12 ILPIs na cidade do Natal-RN, sendo 6 sem fins lucrativos com 260 idosos avaliados e 6 com fins lucrativos e 127 idosos. A caracterização das desigualdades no perfil dos idosos se deu a partir de dados socioeconômicos e motivo da institucionalização. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes Qui-quadrado ou t de Student com nível de significância de 5%. Como resultado, aqueles idosos analfabetos, solteiros, negros e pardos, não aposentados, sem plano de saúde, sem filhos, que não recebem visitas e que compram algo fora da instituição com o próprio dinheiro, estavam associados às ILPIs sem fins lucrativos. Ao analisar os motivos que levaram o idoso a ser institucionalizado, os conflitos familiares, o abandono e o fato de não possuir lugar para morar estiveram associados à institucionalização dos idosos em ILPIs sem fins lucrativos. Apenas a condição “estar doente” prevaleceu como motivo principal de institucionalização em ILPIs com fins lucrativos. As condições mais desfavoráveis foram dos idosos residentes em ILPIs sem fins lucrativos, o que demonstram o reflexo da desigualdade social durante a vida desses idosos.
Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos
Fatores socioeconômicos
This study aimed to verify the inequalities in the profile of elderly residing in private and non-profit homes for the aged. 12 homes for the aged in the city of Natal-RN were visited, 6 of which were non-profit organizations with 260 evaluated seniors, and 6 private institutions with 127 seniors. Characterization of inequalities in the profile of seniors was taken from socioeconomic data and reasons for institutionalization. Data were submitted to chi-square or Student’s t-tests with 5% significance level. As a result, those illiterate elderly, singles, black and brown, not retirees, without health insurance, no children, who do not receive visits and who buy something outside the institution with his own money, were associated with ILPIs non-profit. To analyze the reasons that led the elderly to be institutionalized, family conflicts, abandonment and the fact you do not have place to live were associated with institutionalization of the elderly in ILPIs non-profit. Only the condition "being sick" prevailed as the main reason for institutionalization in private ILPIs. The most unfavorable conditions for seniors were in non-profit homes for the aged, indicating the reflection of social inequality during these seniors’ lifetimes.
Inequality In The Profile Of Institutionalized Seniors In The City Of Natal
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to verify the inequalities in the profile of elderly residing in private and non-profit homes for the aged. 12 homes for the aged in the city of Natal-RN were visited, 6 of which were non-profit organizations with 260 evaluated seniors, and 6 private institutions with 127 seniors. Characterization of inequalities in the profile of seniors was taken from socioeconomic data and reasons for institutionalization. Data were submitted to chi-square or Student’s t-tests with 5% significance level. As a result, those illiterate elderly, singles, black and brown, not retirees, without health insurance, no children, who do not receive visits and who buy something outside the institution with his own money, were associated with ILPIs non-profit. To analyze the reasons that led the elderly to be institutionalized, family conflicts, abandonment and the fact you do not have place to live were associated with institutionalization of the elderly in ILPIs non-profit. Only the condition "being sick" prevailed as the main reason for institutionalization in private ILPIs. The most unfavorable conditions for seniors were in non-profit homes for the aged, indicating the reflection of social inequality during these seniors’ lifetimes.
Pinheiro, Natália Cristina Garcia, Holanda, Vinicius Carlos Duarte, Melo, LA, Medeiros, Annie Karoline Bezerra de, Lima, K.C.. Desigualdade No Perfil Dos Idosos Institucionalizados Da Cidade Do Natal. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/desigualdade-no-perfil-dos-idosos-institucionalizados-da-cidade-do-natal/15362?id=15362