• Maria Aparecida Medeiros Barros do Prado - Prado, M.A.M.B. - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Saúde Coletiva Campinas, São Paulo, 13083-970 , BR - <cvprado@uol.com.br>
Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e de saúde dos idosos segundo diabetes referido, avaliar o conhecimento e prática quanto às opções de tratamento entre os diabéticos, bem como descrever o uso de medicamentos e potenciais riscos de interação medicamentosa (IM) neste subgrupo. Estudo transversal com 1.517 idosos de Campinas em 2008. Estimaram-se as prevalências de diabetes e verificaram-se as associações pelo teste de Rao-Scott. As potenciais IM foram avaliadas pela base de dados Micromedex®. A prevalência de diabetes referida pelos idosos foi de 21,7% sem diferença significativa entre os sexos. Verificou-se maior percentual de idosos diabéticos com 70 anos ou mais, com menor escolaridade, renda familiar per capita inferior a 1 salário mínimo e que não realizavam atividade ocupacional. O número médio de medicamentos foi de 3,9 nos 3 dias anteriores. Identificaram-se 413 possíveis interações, sendo que 53,1%, 7,8% e 7,2% dos idosos apresentaram risco de IM moderadas, menores e graves, respectivamente. Ressalta-se a importância da adoção de dieta saudável e prática de atividade física para redução do peso, controle da doença e de complicações. Evidencia-se a necessidade de atenção ao risco potencial das IM e o uso de medicamentos inapropriados ao idoso.
Diabetes Mellitus
Uso de medicamentos
Interação medicamentosa
Saúde do Idoso
Inquérito de Saúde
Identify the profile sociodemographic and health of the elderly according diabetes, to evaluate the knowledge and practice regarding treatment options among diabetics, and to describe the use of medications and the potential for drug interactions in this subgroup. Cross-sectional study with 1,517 elderly of Campinas in 2008 were estimated diabetes prevalence and there were associations by the Rao-Scott test (p<0,05). The potential drug interactions was evaluated by Micromedex® database. The diabetes prevalence was 21.7%, higher among obese, in those who use health services, patients with 3 or more chronic diseases (p <0.01) and who consumed fruit ≥ 4 times / week (p = 0 , 03). The average number of drugs was 3.9 in the previous 3 days. We identified 413 possible interactions, and 53.1%, 7.8% and 7.2% of the subjects presented moderate risk of drug interactions, minor and serious, respectively. We emphasize the importance of diet intake healthy and physical activity for weight reduction, disease control and complications. Highlights the need for attention to the potential of drug interactions and the use of medications inappropriate for the elderly.
Diabetes Mellitus
Use of medications
Drug interaction
Aging Health
Health Survey
Diabetes in elderly: drug use and risk of interactions drug
Resumo (abstract):
Identify the profile sociodemographic and health of the elderly according diabetes, to evaluate the knowledge and practice regarding treatment options among diabetics, and to describe the use of medications and the potential for drug interactions in this subgroup. Cross-sectional study with 1,517 elderly of Campinas in 2008 were estimated diabetes prevalence and there were associations by the Rao-Scott test (p<0,05). The potential drug interactions was evaluated by Micromedex® database. The diabetes prevalence was 21.7%, higher among obese, in those who use health services, patients with 3 or more chronic diseases (p <0.01) and who consumed fruit ≥ 4 times / week (p = 0 , 03). The average number of drugs was 3.9 in the previous 3 days. We identified 413 possible interactions, and 53.1%, 7.8% and 7.2% of the subjects presented moderate risk of drug interactions, minor and serious, respectively. We emphasize the importance of diet intake healthy and physical activity for weight reduction, disease control and complications. Highlights the need for attention to the potential of drug interactions and the use of medications inappropriate for the elderly.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Diabetes Mellitus
Use of medications
Drug interaction
Aging Health
Health Survey
Prado, M.A.M.B., Barros, Marilisa Berti Azevedo, Francisco, P.M.S.B. Diabetes em idosos: uso de medicamentos e risco de interação medicamentosa. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/diabetes-em-idosos-uso-de-medicamentos-e-risco-de-interacao-medicamentosa/15418?id=15418