0372/2019 - Dinâmica espaço-temporal da dengue no Distrito Federal, Brasil: Ocorrência e permanência de epidemias. Dengue spatiotemporal dynamics in the Federal District, Brazil: Occurrence and permanence of epidemics.
O Distrito Federal (DF) apresenta características particulares que favorecem à introdução, reprodução, disseminação e permanência do vetor e dos vírus da dengue. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar os padrões espaço-temporais das epidemias de dengue nas Regiões Administrativas (RAs) do DF no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2017. Utilizando o modelo da série parcial de Fourier, obteve-se uma assinatura sazonal da série temporal, o que permitiu calcular indicadores de permanência (número de anos epidêmicos, número de meses epidêmicos por ano, proporção de meses epidêmicos do período) e tempo/momento das epidemias (mês do pico epidêmico). Contabilizou-se um total de 82 epidemias nesse período. As RAs com maior número de anos epidêmicos foram Varjão (5 epidemias), Gama, Lago Sul e Sobradinho (4 epidemias). Essas últimas três RAs também tiveram as maiores proporções de meses epidêmicos de todo o período de estudo (9 meses epidêmicos). Verificou-se que as RAs com função de centralidade urbana possuem pico epidêmico mais cedo que as demais, nos meses de fevereiro e março. As epidemias apresentaram altos valores de permanência em RAs com diferentes tipos de ocupação, ressaltando-se a necessidade de considerar os processos de organização social do espaço nos estudos da distribuição da dengue.
dengue; análise espaço-temporal; áreas urbanas; epidemias.
The Federal District (DF) has particular characteristics that favor the introduction, reproduction, dissemination and permanence of the dengue vector and viruses. The objective of this work was to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of dengue epidemics in the Administrative Regions (ARs) of DFJanuary 2007 to December 2017. Using Fourier partial series model, we obtained a seasonal signature of the time series, which allowed to calculate indicators of permanence (number of epidemic years, number of epidemic months per year, the proportion of epidemic months of the period) and time/moment of epidemics (month of epidemic peak). There were a total of 82 epidemics in this period. The ARs with the largest number of epidemic years were Varjão (5 epidemics), Gama, Lago Sul and Sobradinho (4 epidemics). These last three ARs also had the highest proportions of epidemic months of the entire study period (9 epidemic months). The ARs with urban centrality function had an earlier epidemic peak than the others, in February and March. Epidemics showed high permanence values in ARs with different types of occupations, emphasizing the need to consider the processes of social organization of space in studies of dengue distribution.
Dengue spatiotemporal dynamics in the Federal District, Brazil: Occurrence and permanence of epidemics.
Resumo (abstract):
The Federal District (DF) has particular characteristics that favor the introduction, reproduction, dissemination and permanence of the dengue vector and viruses. The objective of this work was to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of dengue epidemics in the Administrative Regions (ARs) of DFJanuary 2007 to December 2017. Using Fourier partial series model, we obtained a seasonal signature of the time series, which allowed to calculate indicators of permanence (number of epidemic years, number of epidemic months per year, the proportion of epidemic months of the period) and time/moment of epidemics (month of epidemic peak). There were a total of 82 epidemics in this period. The ARs with the largest number of epidemic years were Varjão (5 epidemics), Gama, Lago Sul and Sobradinho (4 epidemics). These last three ARs also had the highest proportions of epidemic months of the entire study period (9 epidemic months). The ARs with urban centrality function had an earlier epidemic peak than the others, in February and March. Epidemics showed high permanence values in ARs with different types of occupations, emphasizing the need to consider the processes of social organization of space in studies of dengue distribution.
Drumond, B, Barcellos, C., Ângelo, J, Xavier, D, Catão, R, Gurgel, H. Dinâmica espaço-temporal da dengue no Distrito Federal, Brasil: Ocorrência e permanência de epidemias.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/Nov). [Citado em 07/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/dinamica-espacotemporal-da-dengue-no-distrito-federal-brasil-ocorrencia-e-permanencia-de-epidemias/17446?id=17446