0109/2020 - Distribuição Espacial dos Equipamentos Públicos para Comercialização de Frutas, Legumes e Verduras em Curitiba, Paraná Spatial Distribution of Public Markets of Fruit and Vegetable Sales in Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil
A maior disponibilidade de frutas, verduras e legumes (FLV) pode auxiliar no consumo destes alimentos. Objetivou-se investigar desigualdades demográficas e de renda domiciliar na distribuição espacial da comercialização de FLV em Curitiba-PR. Foram identificados106equipamentos de venda de alimentos listados no site da Secretaria Municipal de Abastecimento, nas 10 regionais administrativas do município. Os dados populacionais e de Renda Domiciliar das regionais administrativas foram obtidos do Censo Demográfico (2010). Os pontos de comercialização de alimentos foram identificados, e em seguida analisados quanto a correlação entre as regionais pelo índice de Moran. Foram avaliadas 407 barracas, em 103 equipamentos públicos que comercializavam FLV. Observou-se concentração das feiras na área central do município, com índice de Moran global de 0,99. Entre as regionais apenas uma não apresentou nenhum equipamento(Tatuquara). Observou-se concentração dos equipamentos nas regionaiscom maior renda (9,82/10.000hab) em relação àquelas com menor renda (2,60/10.000hab) (p
A increased availability of Fruits and Vegetables (FV) may influence the consumption of these foods. This study aimed to investigate demographic and househood income inequalities in the spatial ditribution of FV in the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná. through the mapping of food sales equipment listed on the Curitiba City Hall Supply Department website. Data on population and household income of the administrative regions were obtainedthe 2010 Demographic Census. The points of food sale were georeferenced and Moran indexes were performed to investigate spatial distribution among the regions. A total of 407 tents were evaluated in 103 public facilities that commercialized FV. We observed a concentration in the central areas of the city, with global Moran index of 0.99. One region did not present any equipment. There was a higher concentration of equipment in the higher-income regions (9.82/10,000 inhabitants) compared to those with the lower income (2.60/10,000 inhabitants) (p
Spatial distribution, Healthy Eating, Socioeconomic Factors, Public Policies.
Spatial Distribution of Public Markets of Fruit and Vegetable Sales in Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
A increased availability of Fruits and Vegetables (FV) may influence the consumption of these foods. This study aimed to investigate demographic and househood income inequalities in the spatial ditribution of FV in the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná. through the mapping of food sales equipment listed on the Curitiba City Hall Supply Department website. Data on population and household income of the administrative regions were obtainedthe 2010 Demographic Census. The points of food sale were georeferenced and Moran indexes were performed to investigate spatial distribution among the regions. A total of 407 tents were evaluated in 103 public facilities that commercialized FV. We observed a concentration in the central areas of the city, with global Moran index of 0.99. One region did not present any equipment. There was a higher concentration of equipment in the higher-income regions (9.82/10,000 inhabitants) compared to those with the lower income (2.60/10,000 inhabitants) (p
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Spatial distribution, Healthy Eating, Socioeconomic Factors, Public Policies.
Cruz e Silva, A.D, Silva, A.R, Hofelmann, D.A.. Distribuição Espacial dos Equipamentos Públicos para Comercialização de Frutas, Legumes e Verduras em Curitiba, Paraná. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mai). [Citado em 13/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/distribuicao-espacial-dos-equipamentos-publicos-para-comercializacao-de-frutas-legumes-e-verduras-em-curitiba-parana/17591?id=17591