0294/2012 - El desarrollo psicomotor y sus alteraciones: entre lo normal y lo patológico Psychomotor development and its disorders: between the normal and the pathologic
• Vericat Agustina - Vericat, A. - La Plata, Outro País/Another Country - Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas - <avericat77@yahoo.com.ar>
• Orden Alicia Bibiana - Orden, A.B. - Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas & CONICET - <borden@conicet.gov.ar>
Área Temática:
Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente
El siguiente artículo discute aspectos propios del desarrollo psicomotor (DPM) y sus alteraciones, con especial énfasis en el retraso psicomotor. Se hace referencia a las clasificaciones diagnósticas para los problemas del desarrollo como el DSMIV y el CIE 10, y se analizan sus ventajas y desventajas. También se problematiza el concepto de normalidad en tanto sinónimo de promedio estadístico en el contexto de los problemas del DPM, para considerar su dinámica y variabilidad, evitando la oposición normalidad/patología, y valorando aspectos como el sociocultural que permiten repensar la universalidad y la relatividad del DPM.
desarrollo psicomotor
retraso madurativo
This article discusses some aspects of psychomotor development and its disorders, with special emphasis in psychomotor delay. Diagnostic classifications of psychomotor problems, such as DSMIV and CIE 10, are referred, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The concept of normality -as a synonymous of statistical mean- is problematized in relation of psychomotor disorders, in order to consider its dynamic and variability. The opposition normality/pathology is avoided, while some issues as the socio-cultural are highlighted, allowing rethinking about the universality and relativity of psychomotor development.
psychomotor development
development delay
Psychomotor development and its disorders: between the normal and the pathologic
Resumo (abstract):
This article discusses some aspects of psychomotor development and its disorders, with special emphasis in psychomotor delay. Diagnostic classifications of psychomotor problems, such as DSMIV and CIE 10, are referred, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The concept of normality -as a synonymous of statistical mean- is problematized in relation of psychomotor disorders, in order to consider its dynamic and variability. The opposition normality/pathology is avoided, while some issues as the socio-cultural are highlighted, allowing rethinking about the universality and relativity of psychomotor development.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
psychomotor development
development delay
Vericat, A., Orden, A.B.. El desarrollo psicomotor y sus alteraciones: entre lo normal y lo patológico. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/mar). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/el-desarrollo-psicomotor-y-sus-alteraciones-entre-lo-normal-y-lo-patologico/9665?id=9665