0439/2016 - El incremento de la mortalidad por armas de fuego y su relación con el estancamiento de la esperanza de vida en México. The increase of firearm mortality and its relationship with the stagnation of life expectancy in México.
• María ElenaFlores-Villavicencio - Flores-Villavicencio, María Elena - Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud - <marlencilla27@hotmail.com>
• Maria Guadalupe Vega_Lopez, - Vega_Lopez, Maria Guadalupe - Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud - <mgvega.lopez@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Ciências Sociais
Este estudio analiza la mortalidad por armas de fuego (AF) en México y su impacto en la esperanza de vida (EV) –comparado con otras causas de muerte- entre los trienios 2000-2002 y 2010-2012 e identifica el papel de los grupos de edad en la pérdida de años de EV por esta causa. A partir de datos oficiales se elaboraron tablas de vida abreviadas para México, por sexo, para ambos trienios; esto permitió calcular la EV temporaria entre 15 y 75 años y los años de esperanza de vida perdidos (AEVP) entre ambas edades, por causa. Entre los hombres, la mortalidad por AF pasó de ser la causa que menos AEVP provocó en 2000-2002 a ser la principal causa de AEVP entre 15 y 75 años en 2010-2012. Entre las mujeres, fueron los AEVP por esta causa los que relativamente más crecieron. En ambos sexos el mayor aumento de los AEVP por AF fue entre 20 y 34 años. Los hallazgos indican que el aumento de la mortalidad por AF, sobre todo entre los jóvenes, ha contribuido sustancialmente al estancamiento de la esperanza de vida en México, e incluso a su descenso entre los hombres. Esto refleja que la violencia ligada a las AF no es solo un problema de seguridad sino también un problema de salud colectiva que debe ser afrontado de forma interdisciplinaria e intersectorial si se pretende incrementar la esperanza de vida del país.
Armas de fuegoEsperanza de vidaMortalidadViolencia
This study analyzes firearms mortality (FA) and their impact on life expectancy in Mexico –compared to other causes of deaths- during the three-year periods 2000-2002 and 2010-2012 and the weight of the different age groups in years of life expectancy lost (YLEL) due to this cause. Based on official death and population data, abridged life tables in Mexico were constructed for the three-year periods studied. Temporary life expectancy and YLEL for aged 15 to 75 by ed causes and age groups were calculated in each three-year period. Among men, FA mortality wentbeing the cause less YLEL caused in 2000-2002 to be the main cause of YLEL between 15 and 75 years in 2010-2012. Among women, YLEL for FA mortality had a higher relative growth. In both sexes, the greatest increase in YLEL by FA mortality was between 20 and 34 years. Findings indicate that the increase in FA mortality, especially among young people, has substantially contributed to the stagnation of life expectancy in Mexico in recent years, and even his decline in the case of men. This reflects that violence linked to the FA is not only a security problem but also a collective health problem that must be copied in an interdisciplinary and intersectoral form if it is to increase the life expectancy of the country.
The increase of firearm mortality and its relationship with the stagnation of life expectancy in México.
Resumo (abstract):
This study analyzes firearms mortality (FA) and their impact on life expectancy in Mexico –compared to other causes of deaths- during the three-year periods 2000-2002 and 2010-2012 and the weight of the different age groups in years of life expectancy lost (YLEL) due to this cause. Based on official death and population data, abridged life tables in Mexico were constructed for the three-year periods studied. Temporary life expectancy and YLEL for aged 15 to 75 by ed causes and age groups were calculated in each three-year period. Among men, FA mortality wentbeing the cause less YLEL caused in 2000-2002 to be the main cause of YLEL between 15 and 75 years in 2010-2012. Among women, YLEL for FA mortality had a higher relative growth. In both sexes, the greatest increase in YLEL by FA mortality was between 20 and 34 years. Findings indicate that the increase in FA mortality, especially among young people, has substantially contributed to the stagnation of life expectancy in Mexico in recent years, and even his decline in the case of men. This reflects that violence linked to the FA is not only a security problem but also a collective health problem that must be copied in an interdisciplinary and intersectoral form if it is to increase the life expectancy of the country.
González-Pérez, G. J., Flores-Villavicencio, María Elena, Vega_Lopez, Maria Guadalupe. El incremento de la mortalidad por armas de fuego y su relación con el estancamiento de la esperanza de vida en México.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Set). [Citado em 05/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/el-incremento-de-la-mortalidad-por-armas-de-fuego-y-su-relacion-con-el-estancamiento-de-la-esperanza-de-vida-en-mexico/15865?id=15865