0009/2020 - Enfrentar las desigualdades en salud en América Latina: El rol de la protección social. Addressing health inequalities in Latin America: The role of social protection.
Después de más de una década de avances en diversos ámbitos del desarrollo social, desde 2015 en América Latina se registran aumentos en la pobreza, deterioros en indicadores del mercado laboral y un estancamiento en la reducción de la desigualdad del ingreso. Estas tendencias son preocupantes ya que pueden perjudicar los indicadores de salud y exacerbar las profundas desigualdades en salud. Esta situación demanda respuestas integradas de políticas, capaces de crear sinergias entre diferentes sectores. Existe un creciente reconocimiento sobre el rol de la protección social en la erradicación de la pobreza y la reducción de la desigualdad. Los diversos mecanismos de protección social aminoran los costos de acudir a servicios de salud de manera directa e indirecta. Mediante la expansión de la cobertura y el acceso universal, las acciones de promoción y prevención en salud y nutrición, y de manera fundamental, la lucha contra la pobreza, la desigualdad y la exclusión, la protección social juega un papel ineludible para la garantía del derecho a la salud y la superación de desigualdades en esta área. La reducción de las desigualdades en salud debe ser una prioridad para todos los países y un camino para avanzar en esa dirección es promover la construcción y el fortalecimiento de sistemas de protección social universales.
Desigualdad; Salud; Protección social; América Latina
After more than a decade of progress in various areas of social development, since 2015 poverty has increased, labour market indicators have deteriorated, and the reduction of income inequality has stagnated in Latin America. These trends are worrying as they can harm health indicators and exacerbate profound health inequalities. This situation demands integrated policy responses, capable of creating synergies between different sectors. There is growing recognition of the role of social protection in the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequality. Various social protection mechanisms reduce the costs of accessing health services directly and indirectly. Through the expansion of coverage and universal access, promotion and prevention actions in health and nutrition, and fundamentally, the fight against poverty, inequality and exclusion, social protection plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the right to health and overcoming inequalities in this area. The reduction of inequalities in health should be a priority for all countries and a way forward in that direction is to promote the construction and strengthening of universal social protection systems.
Inequality; Health; Social protection; Latin America
Addressing health inequalities in Latin America: The role of social protection.
Resumo (abstract):
After more than a decade of progress in various areas of social development, since 2015 poverty has increased, labour market indicators have deteriorated, and the reduction of income inequality has stagnated in Latin America. These trends are worrying as they can harm health indicators and exacerbate profound health inequalities. This situation demands integrated policy responses, capable of creating synergies between different sectors. There is growing recognition of the role of social protection in the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequality. Various social protection mechanisms reduce the costs of accessing health services directly and indirectly. Through the expansion of coverage and universal access, promotion and prevention actions in health and nutrition, and fundamentally, the fight against poverty, inequality and exclusion, social protection plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the right to health and overcoming inequalities in this area. The reduction of inequalities in health should be a priority for all countries and a way forward in that direction is to promote the construction and strengthening of universal social protection systems.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Inequality; Health; Social protection; Latin America
Abramo, L, Cecchini, S, Ullmann, S.H. Enfrentar las desigualdades en salud en América Latina: El rol de la protección social.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/Jan). [Citado em 07/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/enfrentar-las-desigualdades-en-salud-en-america-latina-el-rol-de-la-proteccion-social/17491?id=17491&id=17491