0516/2018 - Estado nutricional de crianças de descendência haitiana e suas características demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde em Cuiabá-MT. Nutritional status of Haitian descent children and their demographic, socioeconomic and health characteristics in Cuiabá-MT.
O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar distribuição das variáveis antropométricas de acordo com características demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde em crianças, de zero a cinco anos, de descendência haitiana residentes em Cuiabá-MT. Consiste em estudo transversal, com dados coletados entre agosto/2016 e fevereiro/2017. As variáveis dependentes foram o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a estatura/idade em escore-z, sendo utilizado o Teste t de Student e ANOVA na análise estatística. Foram avaliadas 67 crianças, 73,2% com até 24 meses de idade e 34,3% do sexo masculino. Observou-se expressiva proporção de famílias com renda per capita inferior a 1/4 de salário mínimo (65,6%), sem acompanhamento domiciliar pela Estratégia Saúde da Família (88,1%) e elevada carga horária de trabalho das mães (43,3%). O início do pré-natal até o terceiro mês de gestação e sexo feminino foram associados a maiores médias de IMC. Quanto a estatura/idade, foi identificada associação com menores médias para domicílios com mais de um morador por cômodo, faixa etária mais elevada da criança e cuidado da criança em creches. Apesar de poucos fatores apresentaram associação com os indicadores antropométricos avaliados, é necessário atentar-se para as condições socioeconômicas precárias nas quais estas crianças estão inseridas.
Saúde da Criança; Emigração e Imigração; Estado Nutricional.
The objective of this study was to analyses the distribution of anthropometric variables according demographic, socioeconomic, and health characteristics in children, aged zero to five years, of Haitian descent living in Cuiabá-MT. It consists of a cross-sectional and census-based study, with data collected between August/2016 and February/2017. The dependent variables were body mass index (BMI) and height for age in z-score, using Student\'s t-Test and ANOVA to statistics analysis. We evaluated 67 children, 73.2% with up to 24 months of age and 34.3% of males. There was a significant proportion of families with per capita incomes less than 1/4 of the minimum wage (65.6%), with no home monitoring for the family health strategy (88.1%), and high working hours for mothers (43.3%). The onset of prenatal care until the third month of gestation and female sex were associated with higher BMI averages. For height for age, an association with lower mean values was found for households with more than one resident per room, higher age range of the child, and child-care in daycare centers. Thus, although few factors have a association with the anthropometric indications evaluated, it is necessary to consider the precarious socioeconomic conditions in which these children are ed.
Child Health; Emigration and Immigration; Nutritional Status.
Nutritional status of Haitian descent children and their demographic, socioeconomic and health characteristics in Cuiabá-MT.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to analyses the distribution of anthropometric variables according demographic, socioeconomic, and health characteristics in children, aged zero to five years, of Haitian descent living in Cuiabá-MT. It consists of a cross-sectional and census-based study, with data collected between August/2016 and February/2017. The dependent variables were body mass index (BMI) and height for age in z-score, using Student\'s t-Test and ANOVA to statistics analysis. We evaluated 67 children, 73.2% with up to 24 months of age and 34.3% of males. There was a significant proportion of families with per capita incomes less than 1/4 of the minimum wage (65.6%), with no home monitoring for the family health strategy (88.1%), and high working hours for mothers (43.3%). The onset of prenatal care until the third month of gestation and female sex were associated with higher BMI averages. For height for age, an association with lower mean values was found for households with more than one resident per room, higher age range of the child, and child-care in daycare centers. Thus, although few factors have a association with the anthropometric indications evaluated, it is necessary to consider the precarious socioeconomic conditions in which these children are ed.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Child Health; Emigration and Immigration; Nutritional Status.
Batista, D.R.R, Rodrigues, P. R. M, Souza, A.M, Sichieri, R., Muraro, A.P.. Estado nutricional de crianças de descendência haitiana e suas características demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde em Cuiabá-MT.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/estado-nutricional-de-criancas-de-descendencia-haitiana-e-suas-caracteristicas-demograficas-socioeconomicas-e-de-saude-em-cuiabamt/17049?id=17049