0991/2013 - Estimativa do custo de tratar o pé diabético, como prevenir e economizar recursos Estimate cost on diabetic foot treatment, as prevent and save resources
Objetivo: Neste trabalho estimamos o custo do tratamento hospitalar do pé diabético e discutimos a literatura referente à profilaxia destas lesões. Método: Para isto revisamos os prontuários dos pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico num período de 16 meses em um hospital público e revisamos os métodos de prevenção do pé diabético. Resultados: Foram 44 internações com duração média de 11,93 dias (± 6,34), 61 procedimentos cirúrgicos, com amputações em 65% dos casos. Encontramos um custo médio de R$4367,05 (± 9249,01) e um custo total de R$192150,40 para estes tratamentos hospitalares. Conclusões: O tratamento do pé diabético teve um alto custo e exigiu amputações na maioria dos casos. A revisão da literatura evidenciou diversos modelos possíveis de serem adotados para atuar na profilaxia de lesões associadas ao pé diabético, os quais podem evitar amputações e economizar recursos.
pé diabético
neuropatias diabéticas
custos e análise de custo
prevenção & controle
Objective: At this work we estimated the cost of the hospital on diabetic foot treatment, and we overhaul the literature regarding prophylaxis of these wounds. Methods: For these we reviewed the manuals of all of the patients with diabetic foot submitted to surgical treatment in a period of 16 months in a public hospital. Results:There were 44 admissions with average duration of 11.93 days, (± 6,34), 61 surgical procedures, with amputations in 65% of the cases. We found a medium cost of R$4367,05 (± 9249.01) and a total cost of R$192150,40 for these hospital treatments. Conclusion: The handling of the diabetic foot had a high cost and required amputations in most of the cases. The literature revision showed up many possible models to be adopted for act in the prophylaxis of wounds associated to the diabetic foot, which can avoid amputations and save resources.
diabetic foot
diabetic neuropathies
costs and cost analysis
prevention & control
Estimate cost on diabetic foot treatment, as prevent and save resources
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: At this work we estimated the cost of the hospital on diabetic foot treatment, and we overhaul the literature regarding prophylaxis of these wounds. Methods: For these we reviewed the manuals of all of the patients with diabetic foot submitted to surgical treatment in a period of 16 months in a public hospital. Results:There were 44 admissions with average duration of 11.93 days, (± 6,34), 61 surgical procedures, with amputations in 65% of the cases. We found a medium cost of R$4367,05 (± 9249.01) and a total cost of R$192150,40 for these hospital treatments. Conclusion: The handling of the diabetic foot had a high cost and required amputations in most of the cases. The literature revision showed up many possible models to be adopted for act in the prophylaxis of wounds associated to the diabetic foot, which can avoid amputations and save resources.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
diabetic foot
diabetic neuropathies
costs and cost analysis
prevention & control
OLIVEIRA AF, DE MARCHI ACB, LEGUISAMO CP, BALDO GV, WAWGINIAK TA. Estimativa do custo de tratar o pé diabético, como prevenir e economizar recursos. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/jun). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/estimativa-do-custo-de-tratar-o-pe-diabetico-como-prevenir-e-economizar-recursos/13323?id=13323