1598/2013 - Evaluation of self-esteem in gays in southern region of Santa Catarina. Avaliação da autoestima em homossexuais na região sul de Santa Catarina.
• Daniele Botelho Vinholes - Vinholes, DB - Porto Alegre, RS - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <dvinholes@terra.com.br>
• Viviane Pessi Feldens - Feldens, V.P. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <viviane.pessi@gmail.com>
• Deivid Montero Reduit - Reduit, D.M. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <deividmreduit@hotmail.com>
• Sylvia Marina Soares de Oliveira - de Oliveira, S.M. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <sylviamarina87@hotmail.com>
• Tiago José Canali - Canali, T.J. - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - <tiagocanali@yahoo.com.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde Mental
Objetivos: Avaliar a autoestima em homossexuais do sul de Santa Catarina e sua relação com várias variáveis como sexo, idade, bullying e tratamento psiquiátrico. Métodos: Participantes foram selecionados utilizando a técnica “Bola de neve”. A escala de autoestima de Rosenberg foi utilizada para avaliação da autoestima e subsequente comparação com outras variáveis. Resultados: 403 indivíduos foram entrevistados, sendo 310 homens com média de idade de 24,02 anos. A maioria da amostra estudada (80,9%) tinha alta autoestima, com um escore médio na Escala de Rosenberg de 5,55 pontos. Indivíduos que estudaram até o ensino fundamental, desempregados, evangélicos, com tratamento psicoterápico e psiquiátrico prévio, que sofreram bullying no último ano e aqueles que gostariam de mudar sua orientação sexual, tiveram significativamente mais baixa autoestima. 114 indivíduos usaram drogas psicotrópicas, sendo 47,58% benzodiazepínicos, com ênfase para o Clonazepam (27,58%). Conclusão: A maioria da amostra tinha alta autoestima. Houve uma diferença entre algumas categorias das variáveis estudadas, entretanto, todas as médias corresponderam a alta autoestima na Escala de Rosenberg. Benzodiazepínicos foram as drogas psicotrópicas mais utilizadas pelos indivíduos neste estudo.
saúde mental
Objectives: To evaluate self-esteem in gays from southern Santa Catarina and relate it to several variables such as gender, age, bullying suffering and administration of psychiatric treatment. Methods: Participants were surveyed using the technique "Snowball". Rosenberg self-esteem scale has been used for self-esteem assessment and subsequent comparison with other variables. Results: 403 individuals have been interviewed, being, 310 male and mean ages of 24.02. Most of the population (80.9%) studied had high self-esteem, with a mean of 5.55 on Rosenberg scale. Individuals who have studied only up to primary school, unemployed, evangelicals, with previous psychotherapy, preceding psychiatric treatment, which had faced a situation of bullying in the last year and those who would like to change their orientation, have, according to this study, significantly lower self-esteem than the others. 114 people have used psychotropic drugs being, 47.58% for benzodiazepines, with great emphasis on Clonazepam (27.58%). Conclusion: Most of this population has had high self-esteem. There has been a range of means of self-esteem in certain categories of variables, however all means have corresponded to high self-esteem on Rosenberg scale. Benzodiazepines are the psychotropic drugs most often used by individuals of this study.
Avaliação da autoestima em homossexuais na região sul de Santa Catarina.
Resumo (abstract):
Objectives: To evaluate self-esteem in gays from southern Santa Catarina and relate it to several variables such as gender, age, bullying suffering and administration of psychiatric treatment. Methods: Participants were surveyed using the technique "Snowball". Rosenberg self-esteem scale has been used for self-esteem assessment and subsequent comparison with other variables. Results: 403 individuals have been interviewed, being, 310 male and mean ages of 24.02. Most of the population (80.9%) studied had high self-esteem, with a mean of 5.55 on Rosenberg scale. Individuals who have studied only up to primary school, unemployed, evangelicals, with previous psychotherapy, preceding psychiatric treatment, which had faced a situation of bullying in the last year and those who would like to change their orientation, have, according to this study, significantly lower self-esteem than the others. 114 people have used psychotropic drugs being, 47.58% for benzodiazepines, with great emphasis on Clonazepam (27.58%). Conclusion: Most of this population has had high self-esteem. There has been a range of means of self-esteem in certain categories of variables, however all means have corresponded to high self-esteem on Rosenberg scale. Benzodiazepines are the psychotropic drugs most often used by individuals of this study.
Vinholes, DB, Feldens, V.P., Reduit, D.M., de Oliveira, S.M., Canali, T.J.. Evaluation of self-esteem in gays in southern region of Santa Catarina.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/evaluation-of-selfesteem-in-gays-in-southern-region-of-santa-catarina/14045?id=14045