0025/2016 - Excesso de peso entre jovens de um município do semiárido brasileiro: um estudo de base populacional Overweight among young people in a brazilian semiarid region: population-based study
• Tatiane S Gonçalves - Gonçalves, Tatiane S - Prefeitura Municipal de Paulo Afonso, BA, Secretaria de assistência social - <tatianesgoncalves@yahoo.com.br>
Objetivo: Medir a prevalência e identificar fatores associados ao excesso de peso entre jovens residentes no município de Caracol - PI. Métodos: Através de questionário padronizado e medidas antropométricas de todos os jovens, nos domicílios. Investigaram-se características demográficas, socioeconômicas e comportamentais. O desfecho foi o excesso de peso nos jovens (IMC >1 escore z), calculado a partir do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e classificado conforme as novas curvas da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Na análise estatística, utilizou-se regressão de Poisson com ajuste robusto de variância. Resultados: Dos 1088 jovens estudados, 10,5% apresentaram excesso de peso. A ocorrência do desfecho variou de 6% para os jovens pertencentes ao segundo quartil de renda a 19% para os jovens com déficit de altura para idade. Conclusão: Mesmo com a prevalência de excesso de peso ainda se mostrando abaixo da média nacional no semiárido, os fatores associados a sua ocorrência já se igualam aos das demais regiões do Brasil e parece evidente a necessidade de intervenção precoce visando à prevenção e à redução desses atuais níveis de excesso de peso.
fatores associados
Objective: Measure the prevalence and identify factors associated to overweight among young people living in the city of Caracol, Piaui State, Brazil. Methods: Previously trained interviewers applied standardized questionnaire and have assessed anthropometric measurements of all young people (13-19 years) in households. The questionnaires sought information on: the demographic characteristics, socioeconomic and behavioral. The outcome was overweight in young people (BMI> 1 z score) was calculated from body mass index (BMI) and classified according to the new curves of the World Health Organization. In the statistical analysis we used Poisson regression with robust adjustment of variance. Results: Of 1088 young people studied, 10,5% were overweight. The occurrence of the outcome varied from 6% for young people belonging to the second-four of income to 19% for young people aged for height deficit. Conclusion: Even the prevalence of overweight still show below the national average in the semiarid region, the factors associated with their occurrence already are equal to the richest areas and there is a clear need for early intervention aimed at preventing and reducing these current levels overweight.
Overweight among young people in a brazilian semiarid region: population-based study
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: Measure the prevalence and identify factors associated to overweight among young people living in the city of Caracol, Piaui State, Brazil. Methods: Previously trained interviewers applied standardized questionnaire and have assessed anthropometric measurements of all young people (13-19 years) in households. The questionnaires sought information on: the demographic characteristics, socioeconomic and behavioral. The outcome was overweight in young people (BMI> 1 z score) was calculated from body mass index (BMI) and classified according to the new curves of the World Health Organization. In the statistical analysis we used Poisson regression with robust adjustment of variance. Results: Of 1088 young people studied, 10,5% were overweight. The occurrence of the outcome varied from 6% for young people belonging to the second-four of income to 19% for young people aged for height deficit. Conclusion: Even the prevalence of overweight still show below the national average in the semiarid region, the factors associated with their occurrence already are equal to the richest areas and there is a clear need for early intervention aimed at preventing and reducing these current levels overweight.
Monteiro, Aline Rodrigues, Dumith, S.C., Gonçalves, Tatiane S, Cesar, J. Excesso de peso entre jovens de um município do semiárido brasileiro: um estudo de base populacional. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/excesso-de-peso-entre-jovens-de-um-municipio-do-semiarido-brasileiro-um-estudo-de-base-populacional/15447?id=15447