0249/2019 - Exposição a metais em população adulta residente em áreas industriais: Revisão sistemática da literatura. Exposure to metals in adult population residing in industrial areas: A systematic review.
Este estudo objetivou revisar os estudos de biomonitoramento humano (BMH) que avaliaram a exposição a chumbo (Pb), cádmio (Cd), mercúrio (Hg), níquel (Ni), arsênio (As) e manganês (Mn) em adultos residentes próximo a áreas industriais. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática, sem limite de data inicial até dezembro de 2017, utilizando a MEDLINE e a BVS. Foram incluídos estudos originais em inglês, português ou espanhol, realizados em adultos, usando sangue e/ou urina como biomarcador. Os artigos foram avaliados pelos critérios metodológicos, incluindo-se estudos com grupo de comparação e/ou amostragem probabilística. De 28 estudos incluídos, 54% foram realizados na Europa, 36% na Ásia, 7% na América do Norte e 4% na África. Fundições, metalúrgicas e siderúrgicas foram as indústrias mais frequentemente estudadas. Urina e sangue foram usados em 82% e 50% dos estudos, respectivamente. Os elementos mais investigados foram Cd, Pb e As. Embora com metodologias heterogêneas, em geral, os estudos observaram maiores concentrações de metais em expostos, especialmente As e Hg, do que nos grupos de comparação. Esta revisão evidencia a necessidade de estudos de BMH com maior rigor metodológico, reforçando a importância da vigilância em saúde de populações expostas a metais tóxicos, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento.
This study aimed to review the studies of human biomonitoring (BMH) that evaluated the exposure to lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As) and manganese (Mn) in adults residents in the vicinity of industrial areas. A systematic review of studies selected without initial date limit until December 2017 was proceeded using the database MEDLINE and BVS. Original studies in English, Portuguese or Spanish, conducted among adult population, using internal exposure markers were eligible. The articles were evaluated according to the methodological criteria, being included studies with comparison group and/or probabilistic sampling. From 28 selected studies, 54% were preceded in Europe, 36% in Asia, 7% in North America and 4% in Africa. Smelting, metallurgical and steelworks were the most frequent polluting sources. Urine and blood RESwere used in 82% and 50% of studies, respectively. The most investigated elements were Cd, Pb and As. Despite of heterogeneous methodologies, in general, the results show metal concentrations higher in exposed, especially from As and Hg, than in the comparison group. This review highlight the need of methodologically sound studies of BMH, reinforcing the importance of public health surveillance among exposed populations to toxic metals, especially in developing countries.
human biomonitoring, trace elements, industrial pollution
Exposure to metals in adult population residing in industrial areas: A systematic review.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to review the studies of human biomonitoring (BMH) that evaluated the exposure to lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As) and manganese (Mn) in adults residents in the vicinity of industrial areas. A systematic review of studies selected without initial date limit until December 2017 was proceeded using the database MEDLINE and BVS. Original studies in English, Portuguese or Spanish, conducted among adult population, using internal exposure markers were eligible. The articles were evaluated according to the methodological criteria, being included studies with comparison group and/or probabilistic sampling. From 28 selected studies, 54% were preceded in Europe, 36% in Asia, 7% in North America and 4% in Africa. Smelting, metallurgical and steelworks were the most frequent polluting sources. Urine and blood RESwere used in 82% and 50% of studies, respectively. The most investigated elements were Cd, Pb and As. Despite of heterogeneous methodologies, in general, the results show metal concentrations higher in exposed, especially from As and Hg, than in the comparison group. This review highlight the need of methodologically sound studies of BMH, reinforcing the importance of public health surveillance among exposed populations to toxic metals, especially in developing countries.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
human biomonitoring, trace elements, industrial pollution
Campos, E, Silva, I.F, Freire, C. Exposição a metais em população adulta residente em áreas industriais: Revisão sistemática da literatura.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/exposicao-a-metais-em-populacao-adulta-residente-em-areas-industriais-revisao-sistematica-da-literatura/17323?id=17323