0239/2015 - Fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde bucal em idosos institucionalizados. Factors associated with the negative self-perception of oral health among institutionalized elderly individuals.
• Meily de Mello Sousa - Sousa, Meily de Mello - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <meily.sousa@hotmail.com>
• Annie Karoline Bezerra de Medeiros - Medeiros, Annie Karoline Bezerra de - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <annie_medeiros@hotmail.com>
• Adriana da Fonte Porto Carreiro - Carreiro, AFP - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia - <adrianadafonte@hotmail.com>
Objetivou-se identificar a autopercepção da saúde bucal em idosos institucionalizados e investigar se aspectos sociodemográficos e clínicos estão associados à autopercepção negativa. Foram avaliados 166 idosos, os quais responderam a uma questão de autopercepção que prediz o GOHAI. Os dados sociodemográficos foram obtidos a partir de questionários previamente validados, assim como os clínicos, que se fundamentaram na ficha da OMS e no QST-DTM, utilizado para verificar a presença de DTM. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos testes de Mann-Whitney, Exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5%. Em média, os idosos tinham 80,5 anos e 75,9% eram do sexo feminino. O CPO-D médio foi de 28,9, tendo a maioria, 65%, relatado uma boa ou excelente condição de seus dentes, gengivas e próteses. Três questões do questionário QST-DTM se mostraram associadas à autopercepção negativa (p
AutopercepçãoIdosoSaúde bucal
The aim of this study was to identify the self-awareness about oral health in elderly as well as the sociodemographic and clinical status associated with negative awareness. A total of 166 elderly individuals answered a question about self-awareness to predict GOHAI. Sociodemographic data were obtained using validated questionnaires while clinical evaluation was based on OMS and QST-TMD records to check the occurrence of TMD. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Fisher’s exact and chi-square tests at 5% level of significance. The mean age of the individuals was 80.5 years and 75.9% were female. The mean CPO-D was 28.9, with 65% exhibiting satisfactory or excellent conditions for their teeth, gums and prostheses. Three questions in the QST-DTM were associated with negative self-perceptions (p
Factors associated with the negative self-perception of oral health among institutionalized elderly individuals.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to identify the self-awareness about oral health in elderly as well as the sociodemographic and clinical status associated with negative awareness. A total of 166 elderly individuals answered a question about self-awareness to predict GOHAI. Sociodemographic data were obtained using validated questionnaires while clinical evaluation was based on OMS and QST-TMD records to check the occurrence of TMD. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Fisher’s exact and chi-square tests at 5% level of significance. The mean age of the individuals was 80.5 years and 75.9% were female. The mean CPO-D was 28.9, with 65% exhibiting satisfactory or excellent conditions for their teeth, gums and prostheses. Three questions in the QST-DTM were associated with negative self-perceptions (p
Melo, LA, Sousa, Meily de Mello, Medeiros, Annie Karoline Bezerra de, Carreiro, AFP, Lima, K.C.. Fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde bucal em idosos institucionalizados.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-a-autopercepcao-negativa-da-saude-bucal-em-idosos-institucionalizados/15311?id=15311