0303/2015 - Fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde entre idosos não institucionalizados de Montes Claros, Brasil Factors associated with negative self-rated health among non-institutionalized elderly in Montes Claros, Brazil
Objetivou-se conhecer a autopercepção de saúde entre idosos comunitários no norte de Minas Gerais, identificando fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde. Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostragem probabilística em dois estágios. Os dados foram coletados nos domicílios por equipe treinada com questionários já validados. Para identificar variáveis associadas à autopercepção negativa da saúde, foram feitas análises bivariadas, seguidas de regressão de Poisson. Participaram do estudo 686 idosos (idade média = 70,9 anos; DP=8,08), sendo 445 (64,9%) do sexo feminino. A maioria era parda (57,1%) e com escolaridade de até 4 anos (76,3%). Sobre a autopercepção de saúde, 291 idosos (42,4%) apresentaram uma percepção positiva de sua própria saúde (Muito boa ou Boa); 302 idosos descreveram uma saúde “Regular” (44,0%) e 93 (13,5%) referiram-se à própria saúde como “Ruim” ou “Muito ruim”. As variáveis associadas com uma autopercepção negativa da saúde foram: dificuldade de acesso aos serviços de saúde, queda no último ano, hipertensão arterial, problema cardíaco, asma/bronquite e algum grau de fragilidade. Os resultados reforçam o fato de que múltiplos fatores se mostram associados à autopercepção negativa entre os idosos, com ênfase para aqueles vinculados à morbidade.
Saúde do idoso
Autoavaliação (saúde)
Estudos transversais
This study aimed to know the self-rated health among community-dwelling elderly in northern of Minas Gerais, identifying factors associated with negative self-rated health. It is population-based cross-sectional study with two-stage random sampling. Data collection was carried out in the elderly‘s home by trained staff and use of questionnaires already validated. To identify the variables associated with negative self-rated health, bivariate analyzes were performed, followed by Poisson regression analysis. The study included 686 elderly (mean age = 70.9 years, SD = 8.08); 445 (64.9%) were female. Most were brown (57.1%) and had less than 4 years of schooling (76.3%). On the self-rated health, 291 elderly (42.4%) had a positive perception of their own health (very good or good); 302 elderly described a health "Regular" (44.0%) and 93 (13.5%) referred to the own health as "Poor" or "Very poor". The variables associated with a negative self-rated health were difficulty in accessing health services, fall in the last year, hypertension, heart problem, asthma/bronchitis and any degree of fragility. The results reinforce the fact that multiple factors are associated with negative self-rated health among the elderly, with emphasis on those related to morbidity.
Health of the elderly
Self-Assessment (health)
Cross-Sectional studies
Factors associated with negative self-rated health among non-institutionalized elderly in Montes Claros, Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to know the self-rated health among community-dwelling elderly in northern of Minas Gerais, identifying factors associated with negative self-rated health. It is population-based cross-sectional study with two-stage random sampling. Data collection was carried out in the elderly‘s home by trained staff and use of questionnaires already validated. To identify the variables associated with negative self-rated health, bivariate analyzes were performed, followed by Poisson regression analysis. The study included 686 elderly (mean age = 70.9 years, SD = 8.08); 445 (64.9%) were female. Most were brown (57.1%) and had less than 4 years of schooling (76.3%). On the self-rated health, 291 elderly (42.4%) had a positive perception of their own health (very good or good); 302 elderly described a health "Regular" (44.0%) and 93 (13.5%) referred to the own health as "Poor" or "Very poor". The variables associated with a negative self-rated health were difficulty in accessing health services, fall in the last year, hypertension, heart problem, asthma/bronchitis and any degree of fragility. The results reinforce the fact that multiple factors are associated with negative self-rated health among the elderly, with emphasis on those related to morbidity.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health of the elderly
Self-Assessment (health)
Cross-Sectional studies
Medeiros, Sarah Magalhães, Silva, Lorena Santos Rocha, Ramos, Gizele Carmem Fagundes, Carneiro, J.A, Barbosa, Ana Teresa Fernandes, Caldeira, A.P. Fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde entre idosos não institucionalizados de Montes Claros, Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-a-autopercepcao-negativa-da-saude-entre-idosos-nao-institucionalizados-de-montes-claros-brasil/15376?id=15376