0085/2012 - Fatores associados à Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica auto-referida segundo VIGITEL nas 26 capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal em 2008 Factors associated with self-reported hypertension according VIGITEL in 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District in 2008
• José Ueleres Braga - Braga, J.U. - Departamento de Epidemiologia, Instituto de Medicina Social, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Centro de Referencia Prof. Hélio Fraga da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, FIOCRUZ - <ueleres@gmail.com>
• Debora França dos Santos - Santos, D.F. - Departamento de Epidemiologia, Instituto de Medicina Social, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - <deborasantos.uerj@gmail.com>
• Paulo Rogério Melo Rodrigues - Rodrigues, P. R. M - Departamento de Nutrição Social e Aplicada, Instituto de Nutrição Josué de Castro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - <prmr84@gmail.com> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4213-0685
Área Temática:
Objetivo: Estudar a associação entre estilo de vida e estado nutricional e prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) auto-referida, ponderada pelo sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) e padronizada por idade e sexo, em indivíduos adultos das 26 capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, avaliando estilo de vida, estado nutricional e a prevalência de HAS auto-referida, segundo VIGITEL em 2008. Calculou-se para cada capital a prevalência de HAS padronizada pelo método direto. Realizou-se regressão linear múltipla dos fatores de interesse em relação à prevalência de HAS ponderada e padronizada por sexo e idade. Resultados: Após a padronização, a prevalência de HAS tendeu a aumentar nas capitais com população mais jovem e a diminuir naquelas com mais idosos. Nos modelos de regressão, mantiveram-se associados à prevalência de HAS, ponderada e padronizada, o excesso de peso e o consumo de frutas e hortaliças. Porém, a atividade física associou-se negativamente apenas à prevalência de HAS ponderada. Conclusão: observou-se, com a prevalência ponderada e padronizada de HAS, associação positiva com excesso de peso e consumo regular de frutas e hortaliças e apenas com a prevalência ponderada observou-se associação inversa dessa morbidade com a prática de atividade física.
Fatores de risco
Estudos ecológicos
Inquéritos telefônico
Objective: To study the association between lifestyle and weight status and prevalence of Hypertension self-reported, weighted by the System of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Non-communicable Diseases through Telephone Interviews (VIGITEL) and standardized by age and sex, in adults from 26 Brazilian state capitals and Federal District. Methods: An ecological study that evaluated lifestyle factors, weight status and prevalence of self-reported hypertension obtained by the Surveillance VIGITEL in 2008. For each city the prevalence of hypertension was standardized by the direct method. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed between the factors of interest and the prevalence of hypertension, weighted by VIGITEL and standardized by gender and age. Results: After standardization, the prevalence of hypertension tended to increase in capitals with a younger population and decrease in those with a higher proportion of elderly. In regression models, remained associated with the prevalence of hypertension, weighted and standardized, the proportions of overweight and recommended fruit and vegetables (FV). But, the proportion of physical activity was negatively correlated only to the weighted prevalence of hypertension. Conclusion: we observed with weighted and standardized prevalence of hypertension a positive association with overweight and regular consumption of FV.
Factors associated with self-reported hypertension according VIGITEL in 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District in 2008
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To study the association between lifestyle and weight status and prevalence of Hypertension self-reported, weighted by the System of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Non-communicable Diseases through Telephone Interviews (VIGITEL) and standardized by age and sex, in adults from 26 Brazilian state capitals and Federal District. Methods: An ecological study that evaluated lifestyle factors, weight status and prevalence of self-reported hypertension obtained by the Surveillance VIGITEL in 2008. For each city the prevalence of hypertension was standardized by the direct method. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed between the factors of interest and the prevalence of hypertension, weighted by VIGITEL and standardized by gender and age. Results: After standardization, the prevalence of hypertension tended to increase in capitals with a younger population and decrease in those with a higher proportion of elderly. In regression models, remained associated with the prevalence of hypertension, weighted and standardized, the proportions of overweight and recommended fruit and vegetables (FV). But, the proportion of physical activity was negatively correlated only to the weighted prevalence of hypertension. Conclusion: we observed with weighted and standardized prevalence of hypertension a positive association with overweight and regular consumption of FV.
Muraro, A.P., Braga, J.U., Santos, D.F., Rodrigues, P. R. M. Fatores associados à Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica auto-referida segundo VIGITEL nas 26 capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal em 2008. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-a-hipertensao-arterial-sistemica-autoreferida-segundo-vigitel-nas-26-capitais-brasileiras-e-no-distrito-federal-em-2008/10002?id=10002