0181/2021 - Fatores associados ao custo das internações hospitalares por doenças sensíveis à Atenção Primária no Sistema Único de Saúde Factors associated with the cost of hospitalizations for diseases sensitive to Primary Care in the Unified Health System
Objetivo: identificar os fatores associados aos custos das internações hospitalares por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária (CSAP) no SUS. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico, com amostras aleatórias de hospitalizações no SUS, ao longo de dois anos. Foram avaliadas a distribuição dos custos e a duração de 414 internações segundo o sexo, faixa etária e CSAP. O alto custo teve uma prevalência de 37,8% e esteve associado à idade superior a 40 anos, não casados, renda menor que 1,5 salários mínimos, internação superior a 7 dias e internação na UTI. O período médio das internações foi de 9,35 dias e o custo médio de R$ 3606,09. A internação do jovem teve um custo/dia de R$ 207,08, enquanto os idosos tiveram um custo/dia de R$ 399,53. Os homens tiveram maior prevalência de internações e foram responsáveis pelo maior custo médio de internação. Foram prevalentes as doenças cardíacas, as pulmonares e as cerebrovasculares, sendo que as cardíacas foram responsáveis pelo maior custo de internação. Esses resultados apontam a urgente necessidade de fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde, com monitorização constante dessas doenças, visto que os recursos disponíveis deveriam ser suficientes para tratá-las, sem que haja a necessidade de internação hospitalar e gastos desnecessários.
Atenção Primária à Saúde; Custos Hospitalares; Hospitalização.
Objective: to identify the factors associated with the costs of hospital admissions for Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care (CSPC) in SUS. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study, with random samples of hospitalizations in the SUS, over two years. The distribution of costs and the duration of 414 hospitalizations were evaluated according to sex, age group and CSPC. The high cost had a prevalence of 37.8% and was associated with age over 40 years, unmarried, income below 1.5 minimum wages, hospitalization greater than 7 days and admission to the ICU. The average period of hospitalizations was 9.35 days and the average cost was R$ 3606.09. The youth\'s hospitalization had a cost/day of R$ 207.08, while the elderly had a cost/day of R$ 399.53. Men had a higher prevalence of hospitalizations and were responsible for the higher average cost of hospitalization. Cardiac, pulmonary and cerebrovascular diseases were prevalent, and cardiac diseases were responsible for the highest cost of hospitalization. These results point to the urgent need to strengthen Primary Health Care, with constant monitoring of these diseases, since the available resources should be sufficient to treat them, without the need for hospitalization and unnecessary expenses.
Primary Health Care; Hospital costs; Hospitalization.
Factors associated with the cost of hospitalizations for diseases sensitive to Primary Care in the Unified Health System
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: to identify the factors associated with the costs of hospital admissions for Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care (CSPC) in SUS. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study, with random samples of hospitalizations in the SUS, over two years. The distribution of costs and the duration of 414 hospitalizations were evaluated according to sex, age group and CSPC. The high cost had a prevalence of 37.8% and was associated with age over 40 years, unmarried, income below 1.5 minimum wages, hospitalization greater than 7 days and admission to the ICU. The average period of hospitalizations was 9.35 days and the average cost was R$ 3606.09. The youth\'s hospitalization had a cost/day of R$ 207.08, while the elderly had a cost/day of R$ 399.53. Men had a higher prevalence of hospitalizations and were responsible for the higher average cost of hospitalization. Cardiac, pulmonary and cerebrovascular diseases were prevalent, and cardiac diseases were responsible for the highest cost of hospitalization. These results point to the urgent need to strengthen Primary Health Care, with constant monitoring of these diseases, since the available resources should be sufficient to treat them, without the need for hospitalization and unnecessary expenses.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Primary Health Care; Hospital costs; Hospitalization.
Oliveira, T. L., Santos, C. M., Miranda, L.P., Nery, M. L. F.. Fatores associados ao custo das internações hospitalares por doenças sensíveis à Atenção Primária no Sistema Único de Saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/mai). [Citado em 19/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-ao-custo-das-internacoes-hospitalares-por-doencas-sensiveis-a-atencao-primaria-no-sistema-unico-de-saude/18080?id=18080