0016/2020 - Homicídios da População de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais ou Transgêneros (LGBT) no Brasil: Uma Análise Espacial. Homicides of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Population in Brazil: A Spatial Analysis.
A violência contra LGBT sempre foi presente em nossa sociedade, sendo o Brasil “o país que mais registra crimes letais contra essa população no mundo”. O objetivo foi descrever as características dos homicídios de LGBT ocorridos no Brasil por meio de uma análise espacial. Utilizou-se a taxa de homicídios de LGBT para facilitar a visualização da distribuição geográfica dos homicídios. As vias públicas e as residências das vítimas são os lugares mais comuns das ocorrências dos crimes. As armas brancas são as mais usadas no acometimento contra homossexuais masculinos e as armas de fogo para transgêneros, mas ainda é comum os espancamentos, asfixia e outras crueldades com as vítimas. As vítimas estão na faixa etária entre 20 a 49 anos e tendem a ser brancas ou pardas. As regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste apresentaram as taxas de homicídios de LGBT acima da nacional, justamente as regiões com IDH mais baixos, comparadas às regiões Sul e Sudeste. Os homicídios contra LGBT são, em geral, “crimes de ódio\" e um grave problema de saúde pública por vitimizar jovens, principalmente os transgêneros. Esses crimes precisam ser enfrentados pelo poder público, que se inicia pela criminalização da homofobia e de elaboração de políticas públicas que diminuam a cultura do ódio e disseminem o respeito à diversidade.
Homicídios, População LGBT, Análise Espacial
Violence against LGBT people has always been present in our society, with Brazil “the country that registers lethal crimes against this population in the world”. The purpose is to describe the characteristics of homicides of LGBT people occurred in Brazil through a spatial analysis. The LGBT homicide rate was used to facilitate the visualization of the geographical distribution of homicides. The public place and victim’s residence are the most common places of crimes. The weapon most commonly used in dealing with homosexual men and firearms for transgenders, but beatings, suffocation and other cruelties to victims are still common. The victims are between the ages of 20 and 49 and tend to be white or brown. The North, Northeast and Central-West regions presented LGBT homicide rates above the national level, precisely the lowest HDI regions, compared to the South and Southeast regions. The homicides of LGBT people are generally \"hate crimes\" and a serious public health problem for victimizing young people, especially transgender people. These crimes need to be tackled by the government, which begins with the criminalization of homophobia and the elaboration of public policies that diminish the culture of hatred and spread respect for diversity.
Homicides of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Population in Brazil: A Spatial Analysis.
Resumo (abstract):
Violence against LGBT people has always been present in our society, with Brazil “the country that registers lethal crimes against this population in the world”. The purpose is to describe the characteristics of homicides of LGBT people occurred in Brazil through a spatial analysis. The LGBT homicide rate was used to facilitate the visualization of the geographical distribution of homicides. The public place and victim’s residence are the most common places of crimes. The weapon most commonly used in dealing with homosexual men and firearms for transgenders, but beatings, suffocation and other cruelties to victims are still common. The victims are between the ages of 20 and 49 and tend to be white or brown. The North, Northeast and Central-West regions presented LGBT homicide rates above the national level, precisely the lowest HDI regions, compared to the South and Southeast regions. The homicides of LGBT people are generally \"hate crimes\" and a serious public health problem for victimizing young people, especially transgender people. These crimes need to be tackled by the government, which begins with the criminalization of homophobia and the elaboration of public policies that diminish the culture of hatred and spread respect for diversity.
Mendes, W.G, Silva, C. M. F. P. Homicídios da População de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais ou Transgêneros (LGBT) no Brasil: Uma Análise Espacial.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/homicidios-da-populacao-de-lesbicas-gays-bissexuais-travestis-transexuais-ou-transgeneros-lgbt-no-brasil-uma-analise-espacial/17498?id=17498