0336/2019 - Homicidios en jóvenes: Sociabilidades locales en la habilitación de la agresión interpersonal letal. Homicides among youth: Local sociabilities that allows lethal interpersonal aggression.
Este trabajo se propone comprender por qué las agresiones interpersonales que conducen a homicidios en jóvenes pueden ser toleradas reclamadas o aclamadas en los contextos de sociabilidad en las que se suceden. La metodología desarrollada fue cualitativa, es decir que procuró documentar y analizar los significados y experiencias de los actores desde sus perspectivas. El trabajo de campo se realizó con jóvenes varones de sectores populares que habitan seis municipios del conurbano bonaerense entre 2014 y 2017. Entre los resultados sostenemos que la habilitación a las agresiones letales se vincula con una reducción de la sociabilidad juvenil a grupos de pares con fuertes anclajes territoriales. Esta reducción se expresa como una consecuencia de la debilidad de los vínculos familiares, laborales e institucionales en la conformación de la experiencia social de los jóvenes. En los grupos de pares las repuestas a las afrentas pueden ser valoradas no sólo como forma de intervenir en los conflictos, sino como fuente de pertenencia y reconocimiento social. Concluimos que estas sociabilidades reducidas expresan desigualdades sociopolíticas que contribuyen a que el homicidio sea un acontecimiento excepcional de espacios de interacción recurrentes.
This work seeks to understand why interpersonal aggressions that lead to homicide in young people can be tolerated, demanded and applauded in the contexts of sociability in which they occur. The methodology developed was qualitative in that the study sought to document and analyze the meanings and experiences of the actorstheir perspectives. The fieldwork was carried out among young men living in six municipalities of the Greater Buenos Aires area between 2014 and 2017. As part of the results, we highlight that the permissibility of lethal aggressions is connected to a reduction in the sociability of youth to peer groups with strong territorial anchoring. This reduction is expressed as a consequence of the debility of family, work and institutional ties in the conformation of the social experience of these youth. In peer groups, responses to affronts may be valued not only as a way of intervening in conflicts, but also as a source of belonging and social recognition. We conclude that this reduced sociability expresses sociopolitical inequalities that contribute to homicide as an exceptional manifestation of a recurring spaces of interaction.
Homicide, Young Adult, Interpersonal Relations, Violence, Argentina
Homicides among youth: Local sociabilities that allows lethal interpersonal aggression.
Resumo (abstract):
This work seeks to understand why interpersonal aggressions that lead to homicide in young people can be tolerated, demanded and applauded in the contexts of sociability in which they occur. The methodology developed was qualitative in that the study sought to document and analyze the meanings and experiences of the actorstheir perspectives. The fieldwork was carried out among young men living in six municipalities of the Greater Buenos Aires area between 2014 and 2017. As part of the results, we highlight that the permissibility of lethal aggressions is connected to a reduction in the sociability of youth to peer groups with strong territorial anchoring. This reduction is expressed as a consequence of the debility of family, work and institutional ties in the conformation of the social experience of these youth. In peer groups, responses to affronts may be valued not only as a way of intervening in conflicts, but also as a source of belonging and social recognition. We conclude that this reduced sociability expresses sociopolitical inequalities that contribute to homicide as an exceptional manifestation of a recurring spaces of interaction.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Homicide, Young Adult, Interpersonal Relations, Violence, Argentina
Herkovits, D., Spinelli, H. Homicidios en jóvenes: Sociabilidades locales en la habilitación de la agresión interpersonal letal.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/homicidios-en-jovenes-sociabilidades-locales-en-la-habilitacion-de-la-agresion-interpersonal-letal/17410?id=17410