0075/2020 - Impact of COVID-19 on mental health in a Low and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) Impacto do COVID-19 na saúde mental em um país de baixa e média renda (PBMR)
Os Transtornos Mentais (TM) são comorbidades comuns associadas a doenças cardiovasculares, metabólicas e algumas doenças infecciosas. Como a atual epidemia de SARS-CoV-2 está afetando mais os indivíduos multimórbidos, podemos esperar que a epidemia seja particularmente problemática para pessoas com TM. Compreender o ônus de um surto na saúde mental é fundamental para uma ação de contenção eficaz da propagação da doença, pois a psicopatologia pode reduzir a resistência durante o confinamento. Que pode potencialmente reduzir a adesão ao tratamento em andamento, resultando na recorrência evitável de um distúrbio. Além disso, há o estresse causado pelo risco eminente de infecção ou incerteza econômica, especialmente em ambientes de baixa e média renda. Esta é uma overview de um grupo de pesquisa que há muito tempo está envolvido na epidemia de Zika sobre a potencial influência do COVID-19 na saúde mental e que tem como objetivo discutir os efeitos da pandemia do COVID-19 em um país de baixa e média renda, Brazil.
Mental disorders (MD) are common comorbidities associated with cardiovascular, metabolic, and some infectious diseases. Since the current SARS-CoV-2 epidemic is affecting the most multimorbid individuals, we might expect that the epidemic will be particularly problematic for people with MD. Understanding the burden of an outbreak on mental health is fundamental to effective action towards containing the spread of the disease, as psychopathology might reduce endurance during the lockdown. This can potentially reduce adhesion to ongoing treatment resulting in avoidable recurrence of a disorder. Additionally, there is the stress caused by the eminent risk of infection or economic uncertainty, especially in low-middle income settings. This is an overview on the expected influence of the COVID-19 on mental healtha research group that has not long ago been involved in the Zika epidemic, which aims to discuss the effects of the pandemic on an Low and Middle-Income country (LMIC), Brazil.
Impacto do COVID-19 na saúde mental em um país de baixa e média renda (PBMR)
Resumo (abstract):
Mental disorders (MD) are common comorbidities associated with cardiovascular, metabolic, and some infectious diseases. Since the current SARS-CoV-2 epidemic is affecting the most multimorbid individuals, we might expect that the epidemic will be particularly problematic for people with MD. Understanding the burden of an outbreak on mental health is fundamental to effective action towards containing the spread of the disease, as psychopathology might reduce endurance during the lockdown. This can potentially reduce adhesion to ongoing treatment resulting in avoidable recurrence of a disorder. Additionally, there is the stress caused by the eminent risk of infection or economic uncertainty, especially in low-middle income settings. This is an overview on the expected influence of the COVID-19 on mental healtha research group that has not long ago been involved in the Zika epidemic, which aims to discuss the effects of the pandemic on an Low and Middle-Income country (LMIC), Brazil.
Castro-de-Araujo, Luís F S, Machado, Daiane Borges. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health in a Low and Middle-Income Country (LMIC). Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/impact-of-covid19-on-mental-healthin-a-low-and-middleincome-country-lmic/17557?id=17557&id=17557