0070/2019 - Impacto da intenção de engravidar sobre a amamentação na primeira hora pós-parto. Impact of intention to become pregnant on breastfeeding in the first hour postpartum.
Objetivou-se analisar o impacto da intenção de engravidar sobre a amamentação na primeira hora pós-parto. Trata-se de estudo transversal, recorte da pesquisa “Nascer no Brasil: inquérito nacional sobre parto e nascimento” realizada pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Participaram do estudo 5.563 puérperas e seus conceptos. Utilizou-se Regressão Logística Múltipla para análise dos dados. Apresentaram menor propensão para início da amamentação na primeira hora de vida: puérperas que não queriam engravidar (OR = 0,85; IC: 0,73-0,98) e se declararam insatisfeitas ao tomarem conhecimento da gravidez (OR = 0,72; IC: 0,61-0,83). A intencionalidade da gravidez afetou o comportamento materno quanto à amamentação, sendo que mulheres com gestações não intencionais apresentaram menor propensão a iniciarem a amamentação na primeira hora pós-parto, evidenciando que falhas no planejamento familiar podem impactar negativamente, de forma indireta, a amamentação. Logo, há de se melhorar a qualidade dos serviços de planejamento familiar, a fim de reduzirem-se gestações não intencionais e prevenir desfechos desfavoráveis para a saúde materno-infantil, como o início tardio da amamentação.
Gravidez, Comportamento materno, Amamentação, Período pós-parto, Planejamento familiar.
The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of the intention to become pregnant on breastfeeding within the first hour after delivery. This is a cross-sectional study of the research \"Birth in Brazil: national enquiry into labor and birth\" carried out by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the data of 5,563 postpartum women and their babies. Subjects who did not wish to become pregnant presented a reduced likelihood of beginning breastfeeding within the first hour after giving birth (OR = 0.85; CI: 0.73-0.98) and declared themselves unhappy upon learning that they had become pregnant (OR = 0.72 ; CI: 0.61-0.83). The intentionality of pregnancy affected maternal breastfeeding behavior so that women with unintended pregnancies were less likely to initiate breastfeeding in the first hour postpartum, thus showing that inadequate family planning may indirectly have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Therefore, the quality of family planning services should be improved to reduce unintended pregnancies and prevent unfavorable outcomes for newborn health, such as a late start to breastfeeding.
Pregnancy, Maternal behavior, Breast-feeding, Postpartum, Family planning.
Impact of intention to become pregnant on breastfeeding in the first hour postpartum.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of the intention to become pregnant on breastfeeding within the first hour after delivery. This is a cross-sectional study of the research \"Birth in Brazil: national enquiry into labor and birth\" carried out by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the data of 5,563 postpartum women and their babies. Subjects who did not wish to become pregnant presented a reduced likelihood of beginning breastfeeding within the first hour after giving birth (OR = 0.85; CI: 0.73-0.98) and declared themselves unhappy upon learning that they had become pregnant (OR = 0.72 ; CI: 0.61-0.83). The intentionality of pregnancy affected maternal breastfeeding behavior so that women with unintended pregnancies were less likely to initiate breastfeeding in the first hour postpartum, thus showing that inadequate family planning may indirectly have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Therefore, the quality of family planning services should be improved to reduce unintended pregnancies and prevent unfavorable outcomes for newborn health, such as a late start to breastfeeding.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Pregnancy, Maternal behavior, Breast-feeding, Postpartum, Family planning.
Rocha, AF, Gomes, Keila, Rodrigues, M.T.P. Impacto da intenção de engravidar sobre a amamentação na primeira hora pós-parto.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mar). [Citado em 14/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/impacto-da-intencao-de-engravidar-sobre-a-amamentacao-na-primeira-hora-posparto/17144?id=17144