0324/2018 - Implicações do ambiente, condições e organização do trabalho na saúde do professor: Uma revisão sistemática. Implications of the environment, conditions and work organization on teacher health: A systematic review.
O estado da saúde do professor é fundamental para o êxito do processo de ensino. Além dos aspectos intrínsecos, o contexto escolar afeta o bem-estar do educador. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os principais fatores psicossociais, estruturais e relacionais na profissão docente. Uma revisão sistemática da literatura, com o uso de pesquisa eletrônica em oito bases de dados, identificou 2.479 artigos sobre o tema, publicados entre 1997 e 2016. Adotaram-se parâmetros métricos e subjetivos para a seleção nesse portfolio e, ao todo, 32 publicações restaram elegíveis para análise, das quais 29 foram publicadas na língua inglesa. Transcorrida a caracterização bibliométrica e de conteúdo do portfolio final, os trabalhos apontaram, como principais resultados de desgaste, os transtornos psicossomáticos, com ênfase para o estresse e a Síndrome de Burnout, além dos distúrbios da voz. A carga de trabalho, as relações interpessoais e as condições do ambiente escolar são destacadas como os maiores agentes dessas enfermidades. Mudanças e adequações de salas de aula, ações de prevenção e suporte social são apontadas como possíveis soluções para garantir a qualidade de vida desses profissionais.
Docentes, Saúde do trabalhador, Ambiente de trabalho, Condições de trabalho.
The state of health of the teacher is fundamental to the success of the teaching process. In addition to the intrinsic aspects, the school context affects the well-being of the educator. The objective of this study was to identify the main psychosocial, structural and relational factors in the teaching profession. A systematic review of the literature, with the use of electronic research in eight databases, identified 2.479 articles on the subject, published between 1997 and 2016. Metric and subjective parameters were adopted for ion in this portfolio and, in all, 32 publications remained eligible for analysis, of which 29 were published in English. After the bibliometric and content characterization of the final portfolio, the main results of wear and tear were psychosomatic disorders, with an emphasis on stress and Burnout Syndrome, as well as voice disturbances. Workload, interpersonal relations and conditions of the school environment are highlighted as the major agents of these diseases. Changes and adaptations of classrooms, prevention actions and social support are pointed out as possible solutions to guarantee the quality of life of these professionals.
Faculty, Occupational health, Working environment, Working conditions.
Implications of the environment, conditions and work organization on teacher health: A systematic review.
Resumo (abstract):
The state of health of the teacher is fundamental to the success of the teaching process. In addition to the intrinsic aspects, the school context affects the well-being of the educator. The objective of this study was to identify the main psychosocial, structural and relational factors in the teaching profession. A systematic review of the literature, with the use of electronic research in eight databases, identified 2.479 articles on the subject, published between 1997 and 2016. Metric and subjective parameters were adopted for ion in this portfolio and, in all, 32 publications remained eligible for analysis, of which 29 were published in English. After the bibliometric and content characterization of the final portfolio, the main results of wear and tear were psychosomatic disorders, with an emphasis on stress and Burnout Syndrome, as well as voice disturbances. Workload, interpersonal relations and conditions of the school environment are highlighted as the major agents of these diseases. Changes and adaptations of classrooms, prevention actions and social support are pointed out as possible solutions to guarantee the quality of life of these professionals.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Faculty, Occupational health, Working environment, Working conditions.
Luz, JG, Pessa, Sergio Luiz Ribas, Luz, Roger Poglia da, Schenatto, FJA. Implicações do ambiente, condições e organização do trabalho na saúde do professor: Uma revisão sistemática.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/implicacoes-do-ambiente-condicoes-e-organizacao-do-trabalho-na-saude-do-professor-uma-revisao-sistematica/16857?id=16857&id=16857