0366/2017 - Influência da ambiência escolar no estado nutricional de pré-escolares de Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. Influence of school ambience on the nutritional status of preschool children of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Objetivou-se avaliar a ambiência escolar e o estado nutricional de pré-escolares da rede pública de Macaé. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com dados antropométricos secundários, coletados entre 2012 e 2014. Analisou-se 962 crianças, de 2,1 a 6,6 anos, de quatro escolas, segundo recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde. A ambiência foi avaliada qualitativamente, por observação direta. Por regressão logística, verificou-se se a chance de ocorrer desvios nutricionais diferia entre as escolas. A prevalência de excesso nutricional foi alarmante, principalmente nos menores de cinco anos (13,7%). Em crianças com cinco anos ou mais, as duas escolas com ampla rede social de apoio no entorno tiveram menor chance de ocorrer excesso nutricional (Odds Ratio de 0,40 e 0,33; p<0,05). A escola com mais lanchonetes e propagandas de alimentos no território teve maior proporção de obesidade. Fatores positivos de ambiência dentro da escola, como ausência de cantina comercial, não conseguiram evitar o excesso nutricional. Este estudo adverte a relevância do entorno, sobretudo do apoio social. Esse é pouco abordado na literatura em nutrição, mas pode ser diferencial no perfil nutricional, em especial quando aspectos-chave de proteção no interior da escola estão adequados.
Estado Nutricional; Saúde Escolar; Pré-Escolar; Meio ambiente e Saúde Pública; Apoio Social
This study evaluated school ambience and the nutritional status of preschoolers in the Macaé city public system. This is a cross-sectional study with secondary anthropometric data collected between 2012 and 2014. In all, 962 children, aged 2.1 to 6.6 years from four schools were analyzed as per the World Health Organization recommendation. Ambience was assessed qualitatively by direct observation. Logistic regression verified the probability of different nutritional deviations among schools. The prevalence of nutritional excess was alarming, especially for children under five (13.7%). In children aged five years and over, the two schools with large social support network in their surroundings had a lower probability of nutritional excess (OR=0.40 and OR=0.33; p<0.05). The school with more cafeterias and food advertisements in the territory had higher proportion of obesity. Positive factors of ambience within schools, such as the lack of commercial canteen, could not avoid nutritional excess. This paper warns about the importance of surroundings, especially social support. This is poorly addressed in nutrition literature, but may be a differential in the nutritional profile, mainly when key aspects of protection within school are adequate.
Nutritional Status; School Health; Child, Preschool; Environment and Public Health; Social Support
Influence of school ambience on the nutritional status of preschool children of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
This study evaluated school ambience and the nutritional status of preschoolers in the Macaé city public system. This is a cross-sectional study with secondary anthropometric data collected between 2012 and 2014. In all, 962 children, aged 2.1 to 6.6 years from four schools were analyzed as per the World Health Organization recommendation. Ambience was assessed qualitatively by direct observation. Logistic regression verified the probability of different nutritional deviations among schools. The prevalence of nutritional excess was alarming, especially for children under five (13.7%). In children aged five years and over, the two schools with large social support network in their surroundings had a lower probability of nutritional excess (OR=0.40 and OR=0.33; p<0.05). The school with more cafeterias and food advertisements in the territory had higher proportion of obesity. Positive factors of ambience within schools, such as the lack of commercial canteen, could not avoid nutritional excess. This paper warns about the importance of surroundings, especially social support. This is poorly addressed in nutrition literature, but may be a differential in the nutritional profile, mainly when key aspects of protection within school are adequate.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Nutritional Status; School Health; Child, Preschool; Environment and Public Health; Social Support
Lourenço, ALP, Vieira, JL, Rocha, Camilla Medeiros Macedo da, Lima, FF. Influência da ambiência escolar no estado nutricional de pré-escolares de Macaé, Rio de Janeiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/influencia-da-ambiencia-escolar-no-estado-nutricional-de-preescolares-de-macae-rio-de-janeiro/16418?id=16418&id=16418