0046/2024 - Intervenções educativas para prevenção e conduta dos eventos adversos pós-vacinação: uma revisão sistemática Educational interventions for the prevention and management of post-vaccination adverse events: a systematic review
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar as intervenções educativas para a prevenção e conduta dos eventos adversos pós-vacinação. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática realizada por meio da análise de estudos observacionais sem restrição de idioma e ano com registro no PROSPERO pelo identificador CRD42022313144 e busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, Embase, CINAHL e Scopus. Dois pesquisadores selecionaram os estudos, extraíram os dados e avaliaram o risco de viés dos estudos e as discordâncias foram resolvidas por um terceiro pesquisador. Atenderam os critérios de inclusão da revisão sistemática um total de seis artigos e os estudos apresentaram melhoras significativas pós-intervenção na conduta dos profissionais em relação a imunização. Conclui-se que o fornecimento de estratégias educativas que levem a educação permanente no âmbito vacinal da atenção primária é eficaz para reduzir e/ou erradicar os erros de imunização e eventos adversos pós-vacinação.
Educação Permanente, Enfermagem, Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos, Vacinação, Revisão Sistemática
This study aims to investigate educational interventions for the prevention and management of post-vaccination adverse events. This is a systematic review carried out through the analysis of observational studies without restriction of language and year registered in PROSPERO by the identifier CRD42022313144 and search in the MEDLINE, LILACS, Embase, CINAHL and Scopus databases. Two researchers ed the studies, extracted the data and assessed the risk of study bias, and disagreements were resolved by a third researcher. A total of six articles met the inclusion criteria of the systematic review and the studies showed significant post-intervention improvements in the conduct of professionals in relation to immunization. It is concluded that the provision of educational strategies that lead to permanent education in the scope of vaccination in primary care is effective in reducing and/or eradicating immunization errors and post-vaccination adverse events.
Continuing Education, Nursing, Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, Vaccination, Systematic Review
Educational interventions for the prevention and management of post-vaccination adverse events: a systematic review
Resumo (abstract):
This study aims to investigate educational interventions for the prevention and management of post-vaccination adverse events. This is a systematic review carried out through the analysis of observational studies without restriction of language and year registered in PROSPERO by the identifier CRD42022313144 and search in the MEDLINE, LILACS, Embase, CINAHL and Scopus databases. Two researchers ed the studies, extracted the data and assessed the risk of study bias, and disagreements were resolved by a third researcher. A total of six articles met the inclusion criteria of the systematic review and the studies showed significant post-intervention improvements in the conduct of professionals in relation to immunization. It is concluded that the provision of educational strategies that lead to permanent education in the scope of vaccination in primary care is effective in reducing and/or eradicating immunization errors and post-vaccination adverse events.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Continuing Education, Nursing, Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, Vaccination, Systematic Review
Vasconcelos, D. A., Santos, A. M., Nascimento, J. C., Silva, C.T. dos S., Menezes, A. F., Barreiro, M. do S. C., Ferreira, C. B. T., Silva, G. M.. Intervenções educativas para prevenção e conduta dos eventos adversos pós-vacinação: uma revisão sistemática. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/fev). [Citado em 11/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/intervencoes-educativas-para-prevencao-e-conduta-dos-eventos-adversos-posvacinacao-uma-revisao-sistematica/19094?id=19094