0090/2019 - Laboratórios de Inovação em Saúde: Por uma Atenção Primária à Saúde Forte no Distrito Federal. Health Innovation Labs: Towards a Strong Primary Health Care in the Federal District.
O artigo defende a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) como estratégia fundamental para a sustentabilidade do SUS, subsidiado em resultados sobre o impacto da APS nos indicadores de saúde e outras áreas. São apresentados os atributos e requisitos para uma APS Forte, defendidos por pesquisadores, formuladores de políticas e instituições, entre elas a Representação da OPAS/OMS no Brasil. O formato advogado é fruto de discussão realizada com trabalhadores, pesquisadores e gestores de saúde do país, reafirmando os compromissos da Declaração de Alma Ata. O artigo detalha a metodologia de Laboratórios de Inovação em Saúde, utilizada pela OPAS/OMS no Brasil para identificar e sistematizar experiências inovadoras em saúde, incluindo o acompanhamento do Projeto Brasília Saudável, da Secretaria de Saúde do DF, que vem apresentando importantes transformações no modelo de atenção à saúde, com ênfase na ampliação da cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família. O artigo resgata e analisa os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelo Laboratório de Inovação em APS Forte no DF até o momento e que serão sistematizados em Estudo de Caso. A iniciativa visa sensibilizar gestores e trabalhadores em saúde para a inovação em processos e políticas de saúde, sendo essencial para a sustentabilidade do SUS, privilegiando troca de conhecimentos entre pares sobre iniciativas adotadas na APS do Brasil.
Atenção Primária à Saúde, Inovação em Saúde.
This article emphasizes Primary Health Care (PHC) as a fundamental strategy for the sustainability of SUS, based on its positive results on health indicators and other areas. Atributes and requirements for a Strong APS are presented, based on statement by researchers, policy makers and institutions, including the PAHO / WHO Country Office in Brazil. The PHC model we advocated is the result of a discussion with workers, researchers and health managers in the country, indorsing the commitments of the Alma Ata Declaration. The article details the methodology of Health Innovation Labs, a tool developed by PAHO / WHO - Brazil to identify and structure knowledge generated by innovative health experiences, including Healthy Brasilia Project, an ongoing activity by the Health Secretary of DF, making important changes in the health care model, with emphasis on the expansion of the coverage of the Family Health Strategy. The article identifies and analyses the results of the Innovation Lab in Strong PHC in DF, that will be consolidate in a Case Study. The initiative aims to inspire managers and health workers to innovation in health processes and policies, that are essential for SUS sustainability, focused on the Exchange of knowledge among peers about relevant initiatives in Brazil\'s PHC.
Health Innovation Labs: Towards a Strong Primary Health Care in the Federal District.
Resumo (abstract):
This article emphasizes Primary Health Care (PHC) as a fundamental strategy for the sustainability of SUS, based on its positive results on health indicators and other areas. Atributes and requirements for a Strong APS are presented, based on statement by researchers, policy makers and institutions, including the PAHO / WHO Country Office in Brazil. The PHC model we advocated is the result of a discussion with workers, researchers and health managers in the country, indorsing the commitments of the Alma Ata Declaration. The article details the methodology of Health Innovation Labs, a tool developed by PAHO / WHO - Brazil to identify and structure knowledge generated by innovative health experiences, including Healthy Brasilia Project, an ongoing activity by the Health Secretary of DF, making important changes in the health care model, with emphasis on the expansion of the coverage of the Family Health Strategy. The article identifies and analyses the results of the Innovation Lab in Strong PHC in DF, that will be consolidate in a Case Study. The initiative aims to inspire managers and health workers to innovation in health processes and policies, that are essential for SUS sustainability, focused on the Exchange of knowledge among peers about relevant initiatives in Brazil\'s PHC.
Tasca, Renato, Ventura, ILS, Borges, VP, Leles, FAG, Gomes, RM, Ribas, AN, Carvalho, WM, Jimenez, JMS. Laboratórios de Inovação em Saúde: Por uma Atenção Primária à Saúde Forte no Distrito Federal.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/laboratorios-de-inovacao-em-saude-por-uma-atencao-primaria-a-saude-forte-no-distrito-federal/17164?id=17164