1622/2012 - Manejo da sífilis na gestação: Conhecimentos, práticas e atitudes dos profissionais pré-natalistas da rede SUS do município do Rio de Janeiro. Syphilis in pregnancy care: knowledge, practices and attitudes of health care workers involved in antenatal care at public health centers (SUS) in Rio de Janeiro City
Objetivos: Avaliar os conhecimentos, práticas e atitudes dos profissionais pré-natalistas da rede de serviços públicos de saúde (SUS) do município do Rio de Janeiro (MRJ) e identificar as principais barreiras para a implantação dos protocolos assistenciais de manejo da sífilis na gestação. Método: Estudo transversal com 102 profissionais pré-natalistas da rede SUS do MRJ, correspondendo a uma taxa de resposta de 70% dentre os elegíveis. Foi realizada análise uni e bivariada com utilização do software SPSS 16.0. Resultados: Foram verificadas diversas barreiras relacionadas ao conhecimento e familiaridade com os protocolos assistenciais, dificuldades na abordagem das DST, questões dos usuários e contexto organizacional, que apresentaram distribuição distinta segundo tipo de serviço de saúde. Profissionais com mais acesso a treinamentos e manuais técnicos apresentaram melhor desempenho, sendo esses efeitos discretos. Conclusão: A identificação de barreiras para a adoção de protocolos assistenciais é fundamental para a formulação de estratégias de intervenção. O acesso ao conteúdo dos protocolos por treinamentos e manuais técnicos mostraram efeito discreto na melhoria das condutas assistenciais, sendo necessárias outras abordagens de educação continuada dos profissionais.
Objectives: To evaluate knowledge, practices and attitudes of health care workers (HCW) involved in antenatal care at public health centers (SUS) in Rio de Janeiro City (RJC) and to identify major barriers to the implementation of syphilis in pregnancy care guidelines. Methods: Cross-sectional study reaching 102 HCW working on antenatal care at SUS, corresponding to 70% of the eligible pool. Univariate and bivariate analysis were performed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: We were able to identify a number of barriers related to knowledge of and familiarity with the current guidelines, difficulties related to DST management, relationship with patients and clinics organizational context, which were distinct according to the type of health unit. HCW that had greater access to training and technical guidelines had a better performance, although the overall effect was discrete. Conclusions: Identifying barriers to adherence to clinical guidelines is essential to formulate intervention strategies to increase it. Access to guidelines through training and technical manuals showed discrete effect in the improvement of the care delivered to patients, pointing to the need of innovative continued education of HCW.
antenatal care
clinical guidelines
continued education
Syphilis in pregnancy care: knowledge, practices and attitudes of health care workers involved in antenatal care at public health centers (SUS) in Rio de Janeiro City
Resumo (abstract):
Objectives: To evaluate knowledge, practices and attitudes of health care workers (HCW) involved in antenatal care at public health centers (SUS) in Rio de Janeiro City (RJC) and to identify major barriers to the implementation of syphilis in pregnancy care guidelines. Methods: Cross-sectional study reaching 102 HCW working on antenatal care at SUS, corresponding to 70% of the eligible pool. Univariate and bivariate analysis were performed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: We were able to identify a number of barriers related to knowledge of and familiarity with the current guidelines, difficulties related to DST management, relationship with patients and clinics organizational context, which were distinct according to the type of health unit. HCW that had greater access to training and technical guidelines had a better performance, although the overall effect was discrete. Conclusions: Identifying barriers to adherence to clinical guidelines is essential to formulate intervention strategies to increase it. Access to guidelines through training and technical manuals showed discrete effect in the improvement of the care delivered to patients, pointing to the need of innovative continued education of HCW.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
antenatal care
clinical guidelines
continued education
Domingues, R.M.S.M, Lauria LM, Saraceni, V., Leal, M.C. Manejo da sífilis na gestação: Conhecimentos, práticas e atitudes dos profissionais pré-natalistas da rede SUS do município do Rio de Janeiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/manejo-da-sifilis-na-gestacao-conhecimentos-praticas-e-atitudes-dos-profissionais-prenatalistas-da-rede-sus-do-municipio-do-rio-de-janeiro/11213?id=11213